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TFC Event coming soon
Hello i'm Watersurf and im hosting every year event called the TFC Toribash Fighting Championship this all about new fighters proving there skills against the elite fighters this event with have 6 tours the tours are:

The Home Tour:This is the first tour of the six and is where new fighters duke it out with other new fighters this tour is also known as the Classic tour cause the mod in here is classic.

The Mayhem Tour:New fighters will fight the Elite fighters the cream of the crop in the toribash world for the first time this tours mod is wushu.

The Range Tour:Also known as the aikido tour this tour is about balance and stamina.

The Grim Tour:This is all about Taekkyon and is the second deadilest tour.

The Death Tour:The first deadilest tour and the last before the grand tour and is all about judo.

The Grand Tour:The last tour and is elites only the only a new fighter can get in he/she will need to win all the tours and beat all the other elites in the 5 other tours thw winner of this tour will be crowned the TFC champion and this tour has all the mods Taekkyon,judo wushu,aikido,and classic in one tour.

right now i can't get out many details but i will get info soon.