Original Post
Break Dance Replay Contest (BDRC)
Create a Break Dance replay and winning 1.250 tc for 1 st winner


Please use this ruler before create Break Dance replay
-Match Frames = 2000
-Engage Distance (ED) = 250
-Gravity = You can select freedom gravity


Don't use multiplayer.Use singleplayer with Uke or create the replay with Tori and Uke


1.The 1st = 1.250 tc
2.The 2st = 900 tc
3.The 3st = 650 tc
Note:We send the tc for winner will ask in PM


The time your create the replay only 2 week.Good luck!
Nimers Moderated Message:
I'm is a hurricane!
How do you propose you pay for this tournament?

Respond within 24h else we may have to have a chat.
collect snots from the nose