Original Post
Template to draw hands with fingers
Hi all, im posting two templates here to make creating hands with fingers easier and faster (I hope this is the correct thread and that no one has done this before). I've made a transparent template drawing in black the places where the lines on the hand should be (its a square hand so the creativity part is up to you )

Right hand ................. Left hand

Hands with gloves
Right hand ................. Left hand

Its for res 128x128 but i suppose it's resizable, hope it's useful
[Dragon Ruler] [Help me :D]
aw sweet ! finaly some one has done this . can you post a few pics of what it looks like in TB ?
now now we dont want to ask too much of him lol The feet are the easiest part of texturing , you just have to play with it .
no the easiest part are the legs no real mapping to be done feet and hands are all mapping and hard to fit art
i hate you...