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[Mp]Aikido Betting Advices from JiBaiLanJiao
Here's an easier way to understand,rather than typing all the stuff.

Jibai as The Toribash Teacher
Bob as a Toribash student

Jibai: Ok,Today i'm going to teach you about Aikido Betting.
Bob: Teacher,what is "Betting"?
Jibai:Betting is the means of reasoning to prove a point or to win something by putting up stakes (assets or collateral). It is basically to win something or to prove something by putting a variable asset on the line.
Bob:Teacher,how do i bet?
Jibai: /bet tcamount name
The Next Day....
Bob:Teacher,i lost all my TC in one bet *Bob cries*
Jibai:You need to spend your TCs wisely.For an example:You have 10,000TC.You should not bet all of it in one shot.You will lose all your TCs if you lost the bet.You should use 20% of your TCs to bet in one round.
Bob:But teacher,now i don't have any TCs.What should i do?
Jibai:Go to a Tourney server or make some textures to sell.
Bob:Ok Teacher
2 hours later...
Bob:Teacher,i got 2,000TC from the tourneys but i lost 1,000TC in betting because that stupid guy's foot was out of Aikido Arena.
Jibai: Don't just bet at the start.You need to observe the two players movements and the possible counters that can happen.But if you saw a player shoveling,I advise you not bet,IT IS VERY RISKY.And the area's that cause a player to DQ is his whole body accept for the wrist and foot,and sometimes the player's foot is out of the Aikido arena.
Bob:Ok,thanks for the lessons teacher.
The Next Day...
Bob:TEACHER!TEACHER!I lose my TC again because a black belt lost to a white belt.Is the white belt using hacks or what?
Jibai:No,the white belt did not use any hacks.This is the most important lesson in Aikido Betting."Do not bet because of the players belt and rank"There are possibilities that the White Belt player was a Master Belt,maybe the Master Belt created a new account because he lose many TCs and items.So then the Master Belt "starts a new life",starting back from white belt.But he still has the skills of a Master Belt.So "Do not bet because of the player's belt and rank.
Bob:Thank you Teacher,any more "Important lessons"?
Jibai:Nope,that will be enough for the day.
*Bob walking out of the classroom*
Jibai:Oh wait,Bob.Just wanna say,I have taught you all i have learnt.You will be graduating tommorow.
The Next Day...
*Bob graduates,and went back to betting.*
Few Months Later...
*Bob get's rich because of betting.And also because Jibai taught him the lessons of Aikido Betting*


Hope you all will get more TCs from betting because of this TUT
Last edited by JiBaiLanJiao; May 1, 2011 at 05:30 PM. Reason: Add Icon