Original Post
[Rave] Ravers

We are Ravers, we are a clan who does not think that one person is alone, we're all just one family. Anyone is welcome here. The more the merrier. No person is alone here, all our efforts are for Toribian salvation and kindness to others. No matter what happens, we'll be there for you.

Well we also have a song.

After the rave club had ended, a lonely Tori, was walking down a road, he was called rude things, because of his music choices, but; the caller did not know, the true power of rave. The lonely Tori punched so hard, his opponent's head was knocked off his body. Seeing that he had this newfound power, he decided that creating a clan would help share the word and power of Rave around.

Jordach. Is Unavailable until OpenGL wants to work. But is forum active.

Laudanum. Laudanum is online when he has an Internet Connection.

Blue Belt and Above.

Blue Belts and Under.

BboyRed3. Is not bad. At making replays.

-{User Card 404 - Error, Not Found Jordach Checked.}-

Yellow Belts and Under.

1. No stealing.
2. No hacking.
3. No cheating.
4. No swearing or anything rude.
5. Users trying to join will be voted on by official clan members. Which are listed, in the current members section. Unless the clan members know of the applicant.

Get 5 Members, []
Get 10 Members, []
Become Official, []
Become Recognized, []

-{Cash Needed For Official}-
(You can also donate to me or the bank, RaversBank, both sums will go towards Official.)

49,880 TC.




(To copy and paste, drag a box around the text below, right click, the left on copy. Then make a new post.)

Best Mods:
What do you do:
Your personality:
User Card
(If Possible):
Anything Else:
Replays (Will be checked by current clan members. Either you in Free Play, or On-line, but is also optional.):
Last edited by jordach; May 28, 2011 at 04:23 PM.
Originally Posted by VKDevil View Post
Do u need leader logo?

And can u add me to single allies?

You can make Ravers a leader icon. Thanks.

Explain in an easier sentence, so that new users can understand.

Thank you, did you mean by joining the clan or going on the Allies list. Those will appear when we have them.
Last edited by jordach; May 14, 2011 at 08:04 PM. Reason: Fixed grammar.
Name: kille142
Real-name: anthony
Belt:black ...need 44 game to 2dan
Best Mods: aikido
What do you do:well i can do pretty much everything but not very good.
Your personality:friendly
User Card:
Anything Else:I'm a boy ,15 year old.I'm very active on the forum(dosnt post that much but i read a lot..) and in-game.
Replays (Will be checked by current clan members):
Hm do i really need replay or can we just go in-game ?
Because I'm not really good in making replay...
Last edited by kille142; May 14, 2011 at 08:18 PM.
Originally Posted by kille142 View Post
Name: kille142
Real-name: anthony
Belt:black ...need 44 game to 2dan
Best Mods: aikido
What do you do:well i can do pretty much everything but not very good.
Your personality:friendly
User Card:
Anything Else:I'm a boy ,15 year old.I'm very active on the forum(dosnt post that much but i read a lot..) and in-game.
Replays (Will be checked by current clan members):
Hm do i really need replay or can we just go in-game ?
Because I'm not really good in making replay...

Replays are optional, but nor required. You seem good.

Aikido, good start.

You are in. Finalized.
Still I want to play some in-game whit you. ( /jo Rave ) (arg idk if its only me but multiplayer is not working for me right now)
And you should not make someone elite because of his belt sometime people do alt and are pro when they are bleu belt vsversa.
When you center everything in the first post i think this will look better, more organized..
Last edited by kille142; May 14, 2011 at 08:52 PM.