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Non-Clan Clans?
Whats with all these non-clan groups or whatever?



Dual clanning is deemed illegal, right?

So whats the difference between these "groups" and other unofficial clans?

Hell, some of them even have a dress code. (HELLO, ToD anyone!?)

Sure, I've fooled around with my tag, inserting NWP, PSP or even MST3K into my tag area to goof around. This is different. These are organized groups, with leaders. Sounds like a clan to me...

Maybe its a grasp to go beyond the current clan structure. Especially for us "old schoolers" and the worthy "newbs". We miss the old days. When paid toribash was small and exclusive. Maybe these groups are grasping at memories, or looking to bond outside the restrictive clan structure.

Perhaps new clans are really whats needed. Not in addition to. More like a total redraft...


"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
These are organizations, just a fun thing made up for people to be in a group while still being in their clan. Its more of a group of friends kinda.
Back in my day...
I think these should be removed.
I don't get them at all.
Originally Posted by Sepulcher View Post
God i almost sufficated after i gagged on the water i was drinking right when i saw this

MDP/Switch/Evan says (9:57 PM):
well, your "File" turned out to be a cuple of pics with a cock.
WindWakers Leader Gamers Signature On.Toribash
There's nothing wrong with forming one, isn't there?
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
its like the same fucking thing as a clan, a clan is an orginazation of friends who fight for the same puprpose.
From a looong time ago:
[21:56]<Blam>ManBreakfast: Frunk wants to know why you banned him from IRC
[21:56]<ManBreakfast>oh, fuck
[21:56]=-=Mode #toribash -b Frunk!*Frankie'sip by ManBreakfast
Originally Posted by Frunk View Post
its like the same fucking thing as a clan, a clan is an orginazation of friends who fight for the same puprpose.


I don't get it either.

Seems like a violation of clan rules to me.
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
Don't hate 'cause you don't have your own army. Stop sipping that hate-o-rade, guy. The difference is we cant have a forum or server or any clan perks.

In addition:

its like the same fucking thing as a clan, a clan is an orginazation of friends who fight for the same puprpose.

I'm not friends with a lot of the Torigods. Hell, I've never met some of them. And the purpose I fight for is different than much of the other Torigods.
Meh, I don't know. We can't make a clan with the reason or cause of, "Destroying this other clan and hanging out n stuf."

So, we don't make a clan, we make an organization, without a tag, just unified by a thread on the forums.

That k?

Dikarika: IRC?
That means you are an unofficial clan then?

No. It's an army.

ar·my /ˈɑrmi/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ahr-mee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural -mies.
1. the military forces of a nation, exclusive of the navy and in some countries the air force.
2. (in large military land forces) a unit consisting typically of two or more corps and a headquarters.
3. a large body of persons trained and armed for war.
4. any body of persons organized for any purpose: an army of census takers.
5. a very large number or group of something; a great multitude; a host: the army of the unemployed.

clan /klæn/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[klan] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a group of families or households, as among the Scottish Highlanders, the heads of which claim descent from a common ancestor: the Mackenzie clan.
2. a group of people of common descent; family: Our whole clan got together for Thanksgiving.
3. a group of people, as a clique, set, society, or party, esp. as united by some common trait, characteristic, or interest: a clan of actors and directors.
4. Anthropology.
a. the principal social unit of tribal organization, in which descent is reckoned exclusively in either the paternal or the maternal line.
b. a group of people regarded as being descended from a common ancestor.