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First Parkour Attempt
I did this just to see how fast I could make it to Uke. I know it's not the smoothest or best looking parkour but this was my first time trying it.

Feedback and criticism please :3.
Attached Files
MP PK UK Hit.rpl (52.2 KB, 29 views)
very fast very fun i like it mate :3 good job
U.S ARMY|My MOS?: 18B.: Special Operations Weapons Sergeant|***Special Forces***|ARMY Strong.
Originally Posted by iCo0n View Post
Not that bad and you just started so keep training.

I plan to keep on training. I've just been doing a little bit of practice with every mod I enjoy and parkour is definitely one of my more favorite things to do, in real life and on toribash.
Seemed a little stiff but I give you props for actually being able to make the jumps...most people either make the 1st one and can't find out how to climb up or make it and get stuck on the 2nd part...

Btw, What mod is that?