Original Post
[Reflex] Reflex
We are...

Our history

Before the midnight, longer than what seemed like a million years.

Villagers were living in fear within a dark village, where evil and danger

collided. The evil was unstoppable, everyone feared what was evil, and

craved what was pure. The pure was sacred, only one man lived off pure.

And that was a chosen soldier, a soldier who went by the name of Juxor.

Wherever he went, beings would follow by his footsteps to get a taste of

what seemed to be pure. Juxor went up. Juxor sacrificed his good, to turn it

into evil, for the only way to defeat what was demonic, is to be dastardly.

He was filled with evil at dawn, the core of evil went to him and whispered

"you belong with us, demon" Without a second going by, Juxor merged with

all evil and destroyed his own flesh, thus the village was now finally purified.

That did not mean no evil still existed, lots of evil lurked in the shadow

beyond the village, that's why we, descendants of our ancestor, Juxor, are

here to rid of that evil. We are the [Reflex].

Our laws

If you wish to be a part of our family, you must behave wisely and act civil

-No spamming, (Casual chat is allowed, but don't get off-topic)

-No flaming, no matter what the case is.

-No racism, no matter what the case is.

-Treat others the same way you would want yourself to be treated.

* Break the rules, you get a warning, break them again, you get 2.
On the third warning, you will recieve a kick from the clan


All applications should be in free form and at least 6 lines long. Make sure you

include your GMT, past clans, and infraction history. You will recieve your

answer within the maximum of a week. Make sure you include effort on your

application or else you will never be a part of us. That is all. And no, there is

no recruitment thread, post it on this thread for it to be more noticed, the

leaders vote will be the final decision whether you like it or not.

Our blood

Leader -


Co-Leader -


Members -








Vault -


Our partners






If you wish to be an ally, post why on our DSC. Inactive allies shall be removed.

Our goals

Earn officialness

Raise 50,000 ToriCredits

Gain 5 members

Gain 10 members

Stay active

Earn respect

Our treasures

ReflexVault is where we store our treasure. Bank status

Our news

KickingAss quit the clan

Event held

MC kicked for inactivity

Terrybash kicked for being rude

Lambdarus promoted to 3rd moderator

TerryBash promoted to recruiter

[HIT] added to the allies list.

Clan war with [PsY] won...x2

Clan war with [Nexus] lost...x3

b45 kicked for being a faggot in-game.

Ky0p added to the member list

MC added to the member list

B45 added to the member list.

[JollyR]Erth added to the member list (Multi-Clanning with JollyR)

Unofficial ToriClan received.

[JollyR]Erth accepted as a single ally

New banner.
10k sent to Fish for our un-official toriclan.

Lambdarus accepted as a member

Loruhama accepted as a member

[Rvng]David added as single ally.

TerryBash accepted as a member.

[Ca]rd added as clan allies

[Nexus]Blackdemon added as single ally.

Clan created

Our donators

Course - 7,700TC.

Maylene - 2,000TC.

TerryBash - 234 TC.

Lambdarus - 2,000TC.

Loruhamah - 1,000TC.

Ezoroth - 2,800TC.

Our jobs

In-game Manager: Maylene


Forum manager: Course


Clan war squad: Loruhamah, Maylene, Course, Smashslice.

Our present

We plan on becoming one of the most respected clans, we have roles to

keep things running smoothly, we wish to keep things as calm as we can,

we're staying on our feet and not going to let anything knock us down. We

strive to be the past and will keep on bleeding to become something beyond

that. We're kind, but we don't mess around, so watch your steps.
Last edited by ReflexVault; Aug 14, 2011 at 02:10 PM.
Confirming leadership.

Good luck to us.
Last edited by Course; Aug 14, 2011 at 03:59 PM.
Course you cant start this clan without adding me as a allie
btw i think i wanted to start a clan with that name
good name XD
requesting single allie XXDD
Seniman Elektronik Indonesia | GATA
Got any questions ? Throw me a PM or just mention @toriabiz on Twitter
Oh hey Demon. Yeah sure thing, accepted as single ally.

Toriabiz: Rejected. Get to know us more.
Originally Posted by Course View Post
Oh hey Demon. Yeah sure thing, accepted as single ally.

ty course you guys should buy the clan tag thingy asap then you can begin climbing the ranks
You'll got Bored if you just reflex without Playing Card XD
Clan Allies will be Great man
Good Luck
Huh... Reviving reflex, was one of my first clans way back when.
Well, best of luck, here's hoping you last longer than the last one.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.