Original Post
I know deerslayer but just see
I know mad is by invite but I would really like it if you guys could just test me. I really am I good player, I am a little annoying/bragging, but I just want to know if I can possibly fight one of you guys. And if I am good enough, which I probably am not, I can be considered for MAD. Sorry if you think this post is so stupid that it would be more usefull to quit the forums forever than read this post. But i know i am good to some extent.
Re: I know deerslayer but just see
Yeah, I agree with Hampa. Join the league and when you have climbed far enough you can challenge us. Looking forward to fighting you.
Re: I know deerslayer but just see
About that,, i cant join DS because esse joined and him and me have the same reg code.
Re: I know deerslayer but just see
Why do we have the same reg key? How did that happen? Did someone tell you mine?
Re: I know deerslayer but just see
Reaper gave you yours, right? he gave the same code to both of us
Re: I know deerslayer but just see
mwehehe... I have a different one :P
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
Re: I know deerslayer but just see
and is it possible to 2 ppl share the same key, without it being desactiveted?