Original Post
New to this game/forum
Been playing for a few weeks without an account and actually accomplished something.
Attached Files
My pinky is numb.rpl (157.6 KB, 38 views)
Dude, this was really, really good, especially for your level. GEEZUS, I can't do something like this. Maybe just cause I'm bad, though
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
Dude, for a few weeks, that is really good.
Win-O-Meter - (-)---------------------------(+)------|
oh yeah
That was brilliant, actually. One tip: always try to pose at the end, makes for great replays. Keep up the great work!

We have to go deeper.

These were some pretty nice replays. The first one had a great first kick, I also liked that splitcap and trick in the other ones.

Kudos to you if you did just join though ;p. Anyways keep at it and you'll be great in no time.
The hobo RPL, was smooth. I couldnt pull that off if I tried. I suck and have been here for 1 year, multiple accounts.. Good job..
If this is actually you after a few weeks, holy shit. Just wait till you've played for a year...