Original Post
Activity Check
Ye, you know what it means.
You have 7 days to post here.
If you do not post, you'll be kicked.
(People who posted on Inactvity Thread, will not have to post, obviously.)


- Wolf
- Math
- EarthFoxx
- GHMWolf
- Memberhack
- Hugo
- Aoc
- Snabe
Last edited by Focz; Aug 12, 2011 at 12:59 AM.
I am not here.
This is a hologram

Also inb4 math doesn't post in 7 days and gets kicked and I become new leader.

Roses are orange, violets are green, I am colorblind and can't rhyme.
Cool : D

Also inb4 math doesn't post in 7 days and gets kicked and I become new leader.

No, I'll be the new leader, sucker >: (
Sorry, I'm with A LOT of study things to do, and I'm helping to do my house, yes, here in Brazil we really HELP our family.

Actually, poor families makes it, only.