Original Post
[n]eko recruiting o/

Hi guise
So ,you want to join [neko]?

firstly you need to :
be active on forums/irc/in-game
be good at toribash xd(lol)
be friendly etc,don't annoy others

if so , make a freeform app and post it here
Include whatever you think is necessary like replays/art.
You will be discussed afterwards.
Last edited by Kat; Aug 30, 2011 at 09:55 AM.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Your belt and post count is too low.

Raise both of those up and apply again later.

Work on your application, we expect you to put as much effort as possible in the application.

also your application was formated not free form.
Originally Posted by yakuzah View Post
Name: Bazoozo/Yakuzah
Why do u want to join?: Cuz im clanless and ull need me to join clan wars cuz im usefull ull see...
modes: Judo,Wushu,Aikido,aikido BD,jousting,running

y no
i say yes, since you are a good player overall and had a high belt on your other acc
Last edited by Kat; Aug 27, 2011 at 03:01 PM.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
He is high belt on an account that he got banned on.

His application was also shit horrible grammar and no effort put in at all.

He is a nice person but I think he needs to improve on a lot of things.
Originally Posted by yakuza
Why do you want to join?: Because you will need me later on when this clan will have a Clan War.

We do not "need" you for anything.

We want to know why you want to join us not why we need you.

Clans just don't work that way.

I say no, we gave a chance to fix up his application and he still put no effort. .
Last edited by Tume; Aug 27, 2011 at 03:14 PM.
name: shotgunboi
belt : black
reason to: join there is no enemies here and a clan would be okay for me
wushu aikido
Horrible application.

The first post says the applications need to be free form not formated.


App:Name: ZeskBelt: Blue/ Why do you want to join?: Cna' jion kat ./Specialties: Eh... Art / Replays : No , cuz kat knows how i play / Art: Yeah , Bang
Last edited by Zesk; Aug 27, 2011 at 03:29 PM.
Oh no the police is Magic
Put on your cuddleface :3 .... ಠೆ_ಠೆ

Read the first post, free form not formated.

belt is too low

and you did not post any replays.