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Guitar Questions
Hello mates, i have aproximately 5 mounths playing the acustic guitar but someones known good excercises or ways for training more ?... i known the exercise of 1-2-3-4 but i want to hear personal experiences and some custom exercises, regards to all mates xD!... sorry for my bad english
Well it would really help to know what sort of music you are into and what aspect of guitar playing you are trying to improve. Also what sort of music you are playing at the moment so we now what sort of skill level you are at.

So what I used to do was practice the major scale in a different key each time like so. These exorcize was mainly for synchronizing both of your hands and building speed.

So in the key of C;

A ---------------8-----8-10-8-10-12
E 8-10-12-10-12---12--------------

And so on up the major scale.

This also but in groups of four;

A --------8-------8-10----8-10-12
E 8-10-12---10-12------12--------

And all the way up.

Another one is;

--------------------------- 1 3 5 1 3 5
-----------------1 3 5 1 3 5
------1 3 5 1 3 5
1 3 5

And so on. That is one that Joe Satriani uses with all his students. Useing that pattern in a scale works quite well too.

Here is one for decending the high E string in the key of E minor pentotonic.


Practice that on different strings too. It helps to practice all the exorcises with legato and without.

I was into metal/shred so these may not be your style but it never hurts to learn new things.

Oh and the most important thing is to have fun. So don't get bore yourself too much with scales. Hope this helps.
Aside from that, what boosted my learning (As I never really did any exercises) was learn songs I liked, really easy songs, in example when I heard another kind of music I learned Toxicity by SOAD, it seriously helped me out to learn another songs, and so on.

Although I would not suggest it if you're going to actually learn it and not just play with it, I can play songs and whatnot but I don't know scales, etc. :P
yes, i start too with songs but only tablatures, next chords and some excercices and some improvization with the guitar but really i dont known a lot of theory, the scales is anything of im very away... i need to study more but for the moment help a lot im stay on a guitar group and some things can be good from the group xD damn my english is too bad hehe
Originally Posted by Bulletron View Post
I'm getting my guitar this December. Any tips for a beginner like me?

Watch tutorials, learn easy songs, practice.

At first possibly all you will be able to do is practice so eh, that's the "hard" part of it and it might be a tad boring, after that just learn songs and enjoy them or even make your own, you will get better as you progress.

Here is an awesome site for tablatures, might be helpful:

Register through that link if you would like to get me plus (Which you have to pay for) and get one for yourself, as you will get us both 2 weeks of plus subscription.
Get a program called Tuxguitar. You can find guitar pro files for most songs on google and open them in Tuxguitar to see the tabs while actually listening to the song as well, you can pause when ever you like and you can also change the temp of the song so you can play half speed very carefully if its hard. The program is also good if you like composing music because it gives you complete freedom in creating your own songs.
Dose is dead.
Tips for a beginner: Get a tutor.

Really helpful, they work with you, get to know your style and see where you need to improve. True some of the greatest guitarists are self taught but they are really great and excel your learning a lot.

While we are talking about software I use guitar pro. My teacher gave this to me but you can just as easily download it yourself. If you are not willing to pay or don't want to do it illegally power tab is good. I used this for a long time.

Theory also is very important if you wish to start improvising. It is essential if you want to play jazz.

Easy ways to start improvising is to download a blues backing track and learn the minor pentatonic (the easiest scale of them all). Add in the blues note (in the key of A it is the D#) and just have fun. Or do what I did and just listen to a whole song and just try to solo over it. If you have a tutor you should get to a stage where just the two of you can just have a jam session. Do this with your friends too though it helps to play with someone more experienced than you.

Perseverance is the key.