Original Post
IMPORTANT: Clan Quality
Basically, we're going to step it up. Recruiting is going to get a lot harder, and when I say this I mean that I MUST fight them, and that they MUST perform well. We take only the best of the best from now on.

However, it's absolutely imperative that you turn them down if they would bring CBK any dishonor. This means spam, scam, quitting fights, flaming, ANYTHING that you shouldn't do. We're a nice bunch, but at any time another member could come in and destroy that reputation.
*shuts mouth and is about to wet pants*
lucky i made it before this, but i would still like to verse my leader. If i see you on, Manbreakfast, can i have the chance to verse you because i haven't versed you.
Last edited by imok; May 2, 2008 at 09:53 AM.
Yeah, I agree with this. I've wanted to test some guys, but I figured this clan isn't too picky anyways so it wouldn't have been much of a point. Seeing as I'm very critical about people's skills, I figured I would have been a way too negative tester.

So, MBK, does that mean I can now try out people ingame? I will forward them to you if they pass my test...
btw what with the member's who don't seem to look in the forums at all? or at least they don't post here?

EDIT: can an older CBK member be kicked for this new rule?
Originally Posted by Dutch (black lagoon)
My head's not torn off... My sunglasses aren't broken... Amen Halleluja, peanut butter

Originally Posted by Ghiro View Post
EDIT: can an older CBK member be kicked for this new rule?

I'm guessing no. CBK is becoming strict, not mean. Besides, there are tons of players in other clans that have become rusty, but are still kept inside. Because loyalty matters.
and when I say this I mean that I MUST fight them

and what with european/not american people, i mean i only saw a single time because of timezones, i would suggest an alternative recruiter, like CMon.
Originally Posted by Dutch (black lagoon)
My head's not torn off... My sunglasses aren't broken... Amen Halleluja, peanut butter

Trust me when I say there is no point in making me another "official recruiter". We're still allowed to test people, but MBK needs to evidentially check on things before approving it. Which is understandable.

Originally Posted by ManBreakfast View Post
We take only the best of the best from now on.

With this rule in mind though, and me being extremely thorough in testing, believe me when I say that if anyone gets forwarded from me to MBK, chances are they are good enough.
This is good, I tend to be on every day for atleast 2 hours.
Last edited by MrPoptart; May 3, 2008 at 03:04 AM. Reason: rick roll
I have quit. Goodbye all.
Originally Posted by Ghiro View Post
and what with european/not american people, i mean i only saw a single time because of timezones, i would suggest an alternative recruiter, like CMon.

I'm on pretty frequently, and I know what a good fighter is when I see one, so maybe I could give it a try?