Original Post
Renovate! Innovate! Synergy?
Hey guys! I know I have not been the most "active" clan dictator, but mark my words from this point on I'll be on WAY MORE!

I've noticed a decline in our clan's activity, so I and all who wish to help out shall start a RECRUITMENT DRIVE!

I also want to make some Renovations/What evah:

-Make STICKY THREAD art. (It will allow me to become aroused as I see the 1st post of each thread.)

-Neaten the forum! (I'll let you all tell me what threads to delete.)


-MORE RENOVATION IDEAS! (Tell me what you guys want, I will attempt to assuage your thirsts for what evah.)


-Give LWafflez TC because he's poor.
Last edited by Muur; Nov 23, 2011 at 04:25 PM.
Cool, I'm down, we need to delete all the spam threads such as the bronie and double clan and anything that's been Inactive over 2 months.

Also I propose we make a Sticky thread for random discussion.
Then a thread that is for general toribash speak also a closed irc thread that just tells the link to our new irc channel. We don't need to be posting conversations on there we can just do that in the random thread discussion.

I'd be glad to donate some of my unused items to tourneys and I'll help facilitate, I say we also meet ingame to recruit.
Last edited by iMOD3RN15; Dec 14, 2011 at 06:48 AM.
I N C R E D I B L E H !
You wanna go do that right now, eh?

I think I'll archive all the really bad threads in a Bin if thats cool?
Archiving is fine, I'll be in-game in 20 min I just got home from playin basketball so I gotta shower then I'll be on.
I N C R E D I B L E H !
I will do anything to help sir miss master murr
what am i doing here
I will host dem tourneys.

Actually... I won't, I only have 530tc
Whats the point of the hall of glory thing? You sohuld change it to Hall of Glory with people who deserve to be up there, not how many tourneys we won.

Muur would be first on that list.
Last edited by Nolanrules; Nov 21, 2011 at 03:14 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Eh, I was doing that thing that lots of clans do. A long list of their member's achievements.
Pretty much just delete spam..I got better internet now, so I'd be more than happy to host a tourney when I can.
Ever had an STD? | Need an avy/sigpic? PM me :)
Originally Posted by Muur View Post
Eh, I was doing that thing that lots of clans do. A long list of their member's achievements.

I have never seen one of those.
Look at any decent clan board. Try death and taxes a.k.a. DAT
I N C R E D I B L E H !