Original Post
the title explain it all really

i want it to look cool and mayby emo/gothic but not a face just a cool thing i will chose proce when i see 1 i like
Glad to be back.
kinda but i want a transparent head with like gothic patters on it half we down

hands i want [FID] on fists and on feet i want j4ck on the soul and a emo/gothic design on them
Last edited by j4ck; May 21, 2008 at 09:49 PM.
Glad to be back.
i recommend converting that and trying it in your custom folder before you sell it ccam, cuz usually it will not be transparent in toribash, unless you have done it correctly.
"The only thing your first breath leads to is your last."
No, transparent heads/texts are always transparent if they are transparent on the spinny head, the only way to see the transparency on a head is to have shaders and transparency set to 1 though.
hmm, never worked for me. maybe i just did something wrong.
sorry bout your texture set btw, i don't have a whole lotta time to work on one right now.
"The only thing your first breath leads to is your last."
It's k :>, I'll be leaving the thread open for a long while so that most artists will have a shot at it.
ok well, if i get the time i will work on it.
"The only thing your first breath leads to is your last."