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[Tex] Malus: DreadKnight
Bring back my old style known as malus. If you weren't around and never heard of malus, it's the name i gave to my own personal style of art, which is basically realistic demon/monster type heads. Was pretty popular for a minute but meh.

Anyways, here is the first head in my new series of Malus heads. Inspired by skyrim among other things.


Cnc is always appreciated.
Draugr Dreadlord?
I forgot the name lol
It's pretty nice
But the colors make it sorta bland don't you think?
Too wispy in my opinion. Make the helmet more rigid and sturdy looking.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
the pentagon thing (front, forhead) and the surly white marks are bit low quality compared the the rest of the head. sharpen/detail those up a bit (i don't mean filter>sharpen you noob!!!) and the head will be drastically better than it already is (something around 8/10 now, when it could be 10/10. just used for example.)

The eyes seem a bit big...

Ye, pentagon looks a little to much blurred :/ Mouth needs to be raised and there are to many plates in the back in my opinion, looks like a overkill. Runes are a little bit to hard to see, should make them more visible, the nose seems a little bit weird and the eyes are too wide imo.

+ Small seam :V

If we look away from the faults, I like it...Better than I could have done.
Why is it so damn hard for people to add just as much detail on the back as on the front?

Sure the back on a human is boring and doesn't have detail. But damnit use your imagination!

Other than that, neat.
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck
Erm. Theres the seam line on the back. Anyways, make the top more detailed.
I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals
I admit, i got lazy toward the back and could have done a lot more to it. But i got lazy and i was rushed a bit and only had a few hours to finish it. I might try adding more details and fixing up stuff, but that's a small possibility seeing as how i hardly redo old heads.

But my next malus head will be much better! Thanks for the cnc doods!
The helmets good and the way you structured the mouth is amazing i like the way you used a vary of different colour's its one of those heads that you've put effort it like most people leave the back black.