Original Post
[A]Awesome Tribal Set (Rich Man Set)

Selling this Epic Master Piece made by me!
It took me a solid time and i am very proud of it!
Starting Bid: 5k
Min. Raise: 3k
Autobuy: 50k
End Date: 48 Hours after Last valid bid.
Current Leader: Timerro ~ 12k
Originally Posted by Timerro View Post
Give me that set.
Fuck this I really want this set.
Hope its mine.

For your records...

You've sent 15000 toricredits to TheCobra

- Full 512x512
- You get added some extra textures for free! (Already packed in)
- Accepting ONLY Toricredits
- Respect the ArtMarket Rules
- Artist is TheCobra (Me)
- Want to see how it started? CLICK HERE
- No Recolor / Resize

Good luck on bidding and have a nice day!
Last edited by Cobra; Jun 22, 2012 at 01:08 AM.
i am sorry to say this but can you please lower the price?>
also i know that you're only accepting TC but will you accept some arts?
Originally Posted by iPoor View Post
i am sorry to say this but can you please lower the price?>
also i know that you're only accepting TC but will you accept some arts?

Prize might get lowered if the set isnt sold until a exact time. For now i wont lower the prize.
And if you know that i am ONLY accepting TC, why do you ask if i accept art? ;)
Originally Posted by iPoor View Post
i didnt see any changed price

Start bid from 50 to 30
Min raise from 5 to 3
and autobuy from 150 to 100

Please, Buy or leave it.

Normal Preview

Giving this 2 more days, if no one buys it ill keep it since it doesnt look bad at all.
Last edited by Cobra; Jun 15, 2012 at 07:38 PM.
lower the price.

siku Moderated Message:
Useless posts include: Posts with no content (I.E. 'updated' or 'bumped'). Criticism of artwork or prices (keep this to PM only).
Last edited by siku; Jun 22, 2012 at 01:26 AM.