Original Post

Soft: Fraps, Toribash and Vegas Pro 11
Song: Power Tripping - Monster Magnet

Made this yesterday

I know I suck at intros, but I seriously doubt that I could ever improve that \o/ besides I make these for fun
Like I said, this one is longer than the previous one, about 1 second longer
All replays by me, and I know that the replays are the same as in the other video, but that is because I'm running out of good unused replays
Last edited by pusga; Aug 26, 2012 at 02:41 PM.
oh yeah
Not available on mobile? ;~;
Managed to watch it on here, but not on YouTube. Looks nice, and you chose to focus more on the replays than effects. My only complaint is the free camming is weired, you were zoomed into everything too much imo
Last edited by Slycooper; Aug 26, 2012 at 02:54 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
The free camming was just as sly said wierd and zoomed in, sync was off at most parts and outro was bad.
When I watch the video I feel that there's so many places to sync the booms and dms and what not. but you dont use them. What I am trying to say is that I know from your other videos that you know how to sync but it seems like you choose not to?
I like that you're not over editing it with rainbows everywhere etc. I like simplicity. and you do not suck at intros at all, I enjoyed the intro.
Reading this all back it makes me seem like a depressed harsch idiot and I'm sorry if that's the case but I really think that if you would have spent more time making the video you would have gotten an amazing video instead of an average good video.
Waiting for your future work, I think you'll be making some kewl stuff.
Thanks for the comments, I really appreciate it.
I'll try to experiment with farther camera next time, and about the sync, I try not to use every single opportunity because I think that if I use it everytime it will become something usual and boring. If I just sync on the highest climax parts, I think it will have more of a "WOW" impact on the viewer.
Maybe I'll try to sync more in the future, but I can't promise anything.

Again, thanks for the comments, it's really helpful :>
oh yeah