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[VID] Video for ago2808
Hi i made this video i worked few hours on i really like it :o its my best video so far i think enjoy

There are a couple of things wrong with this video. One, the replays weren't too good. This is excused because you made this for one person. Another thing that could have been improved is your shader. The shader you used in no way contributed to the video, and got boring after a while. Instead of using an in game shader, why don't you play with masks and what not to get a shader that contributes to the ambient atmosphere, if thats what you were going for. The final thing I want to say is effects. You did have some sync with the replays and music, but there was no effects to emphasize this. I am not saying you need them, but the camera was so far away that it was hard to see when the tori hit uke.

Decent video, it has sync, good music. You have great ideas, you just need to work on technique.
I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals
- Dont take a replay from his first frame, its looking weird.
- You can sync hits with music (the clap).
- For slow mo, use twixtor. It's a plugin who make slow mo fluid.
- Maybe do an introduction ?
For the rest, i agree with keoni. Decent video.

My Youtube channel : Mocucha Toribash

Originally Posted by keoni109 View Post
There are a couple of things wrong with this video. One, the replays weren't too good. This is excused because you made this for one person. Another thing that could have been improved is your shader. The shader you used in no way contributed to the video, and got boring after a while. Instead of using an in game shader, why don't you play with masks and what not to get a shader that contributes to the ambient atmosphere, if thats what you were going for. The final thing I want to say is effects. You did have some sync with the replays and music, but there was no effects to emphasize this. I am not saying you need them, but the camera was so far away that it was hard to see when the tori hit uke.

Decent video, it has sync, good music. You have great ideas, you just need to work on technique.

Thanks and ok