Original Post
(Falcon) Falcon




PM one of the leaders if you would like to become an ally.


PM one of the leaders if you would like to become an enemy.
Last edited by Ginning; Jan 6, 2013 at 11:46 AM.
Belt: Black
Best Mod(s): Aikido Big Dojo, Jousting
Reason of Applying: This clan looks awesome and promising.
Prefered Element: Water
How Often I play: Almost Everyday, With a Few Exceptions
Best Skill: Fighting and a dab of Art
Replays: I haz no idea how to upload replays. Sorry
The name got merged
Last edited by DannyFlint; Oct 24, 2012 at 10:02 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I don't know why, but pesdad says he can't post applications because his computer hates forums. So, im posting it for him.

Name: Pesdad
Belt(minimum black):black
Best Mod(s): Aikido
Why are you applying for COE: Cookies. (I told him we had cookies lol)
Prefered Element (Fire, Water, Earth, Air): Air
How often do you play: ~2 hours/day
What are you good at: Art
Show us some of your replays: Not him so obviously can't give replays

I, of course, vote yes for him.
Le' App
Name: Djtophat Aka Skelly
Belt(minimum black): Black
Best Mod(s): Judo,Kickboxing
Why are you applying for COE: Idk ._.
Prefered Element (Fire, Water, Earth, Air) Water
How often do you play: Most time when bored
What are you good at: Stuff
Show us some of your replays: -None-
Name:Facejabbing(aka jeremy)
Belt(minimum black):black
Best Mod(s):twin swords
Why are you applying for COE:i have been waiting for someone to let me know if i can join so im trying here
Prefered Element (Fire, Water, Earth, Air)water
How often do you play:almost every day for 3hrs on week day
What are you good at:winning pendulum jumper
an im rank 94 my mod rank on twin sword is 24 and my mod rank on pendulum jumper is 11
only thing is i dont know how to show any of my replays
I love chicken