Original Post
I didn't know where to put this... couldn't see a "report people here" place... anyway, I'll let the picture do the talking... or most of it anyway. Before the picture was taken, he seemed like a reasonable person- until he started talking. He insulted everyone for no reason and was apparently homophobic. He logged off straight after this picture was taken. i have no idea what this topic will accomplish, but i just wanted people to know.
You should PM some GM / Moderator.

Also: there are a report player place , it's the scam reports, but its only if you get hacked or scammed.
Posting it on wii foruns No sense -_-
Last edited by Toriality; Dec 16, 2012 at 06:07 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
PM a gamemaster with a dark blue name and please choose the right place. Also, you need evidence. Please upload screenshots from or