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Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo Wii. If you haven't played this game you should really try it out. It's amazing.
The ToriNews Organization HELP REBUILD UNCE!!!
No one, even those who don't care about the Wii, should miss out on playing this game at LEAST once. It's just that awesome. And if you don't believe me, Google some of its reviews. I'm not asking you to get a Wii and/or get this game. I'm just saying you should at least try this game out once.
The ToriNews Organization HELP REBUILD UNCE!!!
Nice snaps, though the last 3 dont work for me... wonder why?

Anyway, I think the one where snake has his "hair on fire," It could also be "Snake in the 80's, doing the punch" :P

I really like the Freddy Kreuger thing.
I have quit. Goodbye all.
I'm sorry you feel that way, but I don't set up any of my shots, so you may be right-I simply pause at random times and take some screenshots, so it is quite possible they may be easy to recreate. Thank you for the insight, and I will be sure to take it into account the next time I am playing. If you have any more constructive criticism for me/tips on taking better shots, please let me know. Thanks,

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