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The Future Of Gaming
I've been playing games since as long as I remember,
to tell the truth I'm young, my first console was a Ps1,
The first couple of games I played were mortal combat and
rally games, along with batman. Since then I've been playing
games for the rest of my life. And I'm wondering how/will
the gaming community develop along with its game.

Take Toribash as an example; We've been playing this game for many
years and it's still being played despite its age, our community is small,
but we still carry on, and the game still gets developed.

Mainstream titles such as Call Of Duty, Battelfield, The Elder Scrolls
Series, as well as Racing Games. Their companies bring out a new game
nearly every year, and we still have a lot of hype for these games, but it
turns out it is only little features are put into these games. So I'm asking
will we see a massive change soon in the way games are played, and the communities along with game development or will we be stuck in this
"minor change" scenario?

Now time for consoles; We all know Pc is the most dominant machine, whoever disagrees with this really needs to check their facts, but will
the conoles ever catch up with pc, I hear about these new Xbox's and Playstation being developed but I've a feeling after a few months these consoles will be once again be dominated by the Pc's power, for what way pay for a new console is what we could build a computer that would "own" any console near it. I think consoles are holding back game development too
because of its lack of power, dev's make games on pc's right, wouldn't they have to cap their ability so their games could even run on consoles?

I want you opinion on this matter

I'll paraphrase some of it; Is our futures games going to be held back by consoles. Will consoles ever catch up with Pc? What's the future of gaming comunities?

Game development could go anywhere. It will probably stay with the "minor change" scenario until people realise they are being ripped off and stop buying them.

About consoles, they were made for games, computers were made for work. Nowadays we make computers for gaming aswell but to run skyrim with ultra graphics on pc you need to spend alot more money on your computer then you would on your console. Consoles are cheaper and they always will be. But you will never be able to do evrything you can on your pc with an xbox. If you can you just made a new computer called xbox.
Are you saying, consoles run games on max graphics?
That is not exactly true, console games run at 30fps max
apparently, I could be completely wrong, I checked this by getting
a hack for mw2 which told me my fps. Anyway, if you were to match a console's
durability against a Pc, Pc once again is far more superior. I'm pretty
sure the specs of a high end computer that could be built for 600 dollars would be
better than a console, and you can customize a pc whenever.

Originally Posted by NoneName View Post
Nowadays we make computers for gaming aswell but to run skyrim with ultra graphics on pc you need to spend alot more money on your computer then you would on your console. Consoles are cheaper and they always will be. But you will never be able to do evrything you can on your pc with an xbox. If you can you just made a new computer called xbox.

What? Consoles run games on around mid if not lower. For Skyrim an xbox probably runs it on low.

Building a PC to xbox specs would cost less than buying an xbox.
I think there will always be a need for consoles simply because not everyone has resources to make their own computer or even the internet in general for starters. Beyond that there are some things that are very important that can't be measured in efficiency.

Like a sense of ownership, this may sound absurd to some but there's nothing like calling something your own and that's how I feel every-time I play a console. I don't have to worry about viruses, fps, needing an internet connection, lag, being banned, buying a usb controller, being hacked or any of those things, just relaxing and enjoying the game. Another thing that consoles really shine for is multi-player gaming with friends and family on the same console, some people might not have this problem or concern but anyone with brothers should know what I'm talking about.

Possibly the biggest hold-up for pc gaming will be how the majority of the games will never be on equal grounds. Meaning that it's never truly just a contest of skill it's also a test of skill/ internet connection and how powerful ones pc is, not only is this very frustrating, but it also makes the playing field hardly if ever fair on both sides. Yes this is also true for online gaming on consoles, but not on the same level as the pc.

The other thing that would drive everyday gamers away is more than likely the learning curve that comes with owning a pc let alone building one specifically for gaming. I'm 21 and I didn't have my own pc until I was 19 even then I didn't play my first internet game until I was 20, it was overwhelming at first and most people will quit and go back to downloading porn and looking up fat guys falling on google than attempting to go through it.

Edit: Gaming originated on the console though so it's impossible for consoles to hold it back, gaming isn't something that depends on the console or even when it's released. Just like movies games and gaming isn't measured by how efficient it is, how it looks graphically or anything like that but the experience it provides.

It was never a consoles goal to be compared to pc's pc enthusiasts think that pc's are the ultimate machines in every way and that every other electronic device is obsolete, so it's a common comparison. The argument at it's root is hard to argue because they aren't even in the same category to begin with.

About the communities, internet communities are fairly horrible most new users a re turned away by the onslaught of insults at their inexperience. Beyond that the pro's treat most users like idiot trash, and having the developers in the community a double edged sword. On one end you get to befriend them and see the actual work that they do, on the other end it's kind of pointless considering they stay in tight knit groups so it's kind of like e-mailing a celebrity when talking to them outside of making a report etc. Not that, that's wrong no one has to speak to anyone that they do not wish to.
Last edited by AzureMage; Jan 20, 2013 at 07:51 PM.
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Originally Posted by AzureMage View Post
I think there will always be a need for consoles simply because not everyone has resources to make their own computer or even the internet in general for starters. Beyond that there are some things that are very important that can't be measured in efficiency.

Like a sense of ownership, this may sound absurd to some but there's nothing like calling something your own and that's how I feel every-time I play a console.

I feel an equal amount of pride in my PC.

Originally Posted by AzureMage View Post
I don't have to worry about viruses, fps, needing an internet connection, lag, being banned, buying a usb controller, being hacked or any of those things, just relaxing and enjoying the game. Another thing that consoles really shine for is multi-player gaming with friends and family on the same console, some people might not have this problem or concern but anyone with brothers should know what I'm talking about.

I do not have to worry about any of that either if I decide to stay offline. I have experienced the full cadre on both consoles and PC however.

As far as the need for controllers, you DO need to have one. These days they only come in usb. Even my PC at least needs a keyboard. Sometimes me and my wife have to share it when we play a split-screen game. We usually just use our corded 360 controllers though.

Originally Posted by AzureMage View Post
Possibly the biggest hold-up for pc gaming will be how the majority of the games will never be on equal grounds. Meaning that it's never truly just a contest of skill it's also a test of skill/ internet connection and how powerful ones pc is, not only is this very frustrating, but it also makes the playing field hardly if ever fair on both sides. Yes this is also true for online gaming on consoles, but not on the same level as the pc.

It's actually all of those thing for both. Consoles attempt to level the hardware difference but they can not because of the condition of the individual machine. Poorly maintained machines work poorly. With consoles you can even clean them without voiding the warranty.
Originally Posted by AzureMage View Post
The other thing that would drive everyday gamers away is more than likely the learning curve that comes with owning a pc let alone building one specifically for gaming. I'm 21 and I didn't have my own pc until I was 19 even then I didn't play my first internet game until I was 20, it was overwhelming at first and most people will quit and go back to downloading porn and looking up fat guys falling on google than attempting to go through it.

DOTA's learning curve inspire its fanbase.

Calling a console a console doesn't not make it computer. The difference between them is that one is a tool the other is a toy. More money comes from PC's than consoles. PC's let you get the games you want. Consoles offer what they have. With facebook, Steam, and sites like Newgrounds and Kongregate you easily squash consoles in the shear amount of content available. This will continue to be available to PC as well. You have old and new PCs alike connecting to these domains. With consoles they will eventually make a new one. Old consoles are next to useless. My N64 won't play Halo. My PC will play both Mario and Halo. PC's also have market competition. Consoles are three names fighting over a monopoly. Monopolies are bad for everyone.

Your cell phone will rise to be the victor however. That is where gaming is going. If consoles survive, it will be in handhelds. They will soon be more than powerful enough to handle serious gaming applications while being user friendly enough to auto-install. It will also have the internet so you can find the game you want and add the cost to next months bill. It will probably be a lot like visiting a polish website on dial-up. I hope people are old enough to remember stuff like that.
If you have a pc and decide to stay offline then what's the point? unless I'm missing something here, it's not like you're going to stay offline forever and all of those things are still going to be possible when you go back online. The point of the controller statement wasn't that console games can't be properly controlled but that it's an additional expense.

I'm aware that this is the same for consoles, it's the same with anything connected to the internet that's why I said this: ''Yes this is also true for online gaming on consoles, but not on the same level as the pc.'' Point is there's more variables in performance with a pc.

Dota is one game out of a sea of titles on the pc, which pc games are limited with the titles they can provide as well just because it has more content doesn't mean it's all good quality. There are mostly outmatched by long standing series and underground gems of console gaming, which has a fan base just as strong as pc gamers.

I don't recall trying to make consoles seem like a pc in any way, in fact I was trying to point out the differences of the two. I don't exactly see your point in the whole tool statement, when in fact a tool can also be a toy but it's irrelevant considering that consoles aren't toys in the first place. Doesn't the fact that it does what it's supposed to and only that make it the very definition of a tool?. As for the monopolies how is that different from the major computer manufacturers? or any other business in the world.

I can't say anything about the content retro gaming has never been easier, but that credit goes to the original console more than the pc. That and that most people can only run up to snes and gba emulators, beyond that it gets to be a hassle for most people that aren't computer literate.

Consoles aren't so obsolete like you're making them out to be they perform they're primary function effectively with little trouble, and they still offer key things that a pc can't. Most notably Multi-player at home, being safe from all the vulnerabilities that pc's are, doesn't require the internet to perform, Key long standing game franchises. each of those are reasons enough to buy consoles and always will be to a lot of people. Not to mention the gimmicks that can't be emulated by a pc such as kinect, motion tracking etc.
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A toy is being used to mean "something you use solely for entertainment". You can't argue that you do anything else with a console. So to illustrate things simply, consoles have only convenience, nothing more, over PCs. PCs can do everything consoles can and more. This is shows the market difference between 'wasteful consumers' and 'smart investors'.

This is why mobile technology will be the future of gaming. It appeals to both sets. It offers the added usability of being a tool with all the fun of playing with a toy.
Originally Posted by Onimaru View Post
A toy is being used to mean "something you use solely for entertainment". You can't argue that you do anything else with a console. So to illustrate things simply, consoles have only convenience, nothing more, over PCs. PCs can do everything consoles can and more. This is shows the market difference between 'wasteful consumers' and 'smart investors'.

This is why mobile technology will be the future of gaming. It appeals to both sets. It offers the added usability of being a tool with all the fun of playing with a toy.

Consoles offer an easier safer user experience. Less threat of being hacked/aimbotted/cheated online and none of the stupid DRM BS thats on PC.
Plus old consoles are still very useful. IE: Dreamcast. Still play it all the time.
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Is something wrong with seeking entertainment? or a product made solely for the sake of entertainment?. Convenience, it's safer, and more self sufficient considering it doesn't need the internet. Pc's can most definitely do more, but it's a lot more complicated and difficult to optomize as well which won't win over the general public since it's more relevant to the few than the majority.
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