Original Post
(EVENT)Lukes giveway
Hi guys and welcome to my giveway!!!!
i will be giving away stuffs for every 10 posts with application for items on it.
You need to have atleas 60 post for joining giveway
dont use alts ot be dq
if someone gets banned i will dq him
dont do app with more than 20 words
dont copy others
You can donate tc or items to giveway for double name in the hat(i will draw winner from the hat)
only 10 people

and ghostz

PRIZE:tc(1k if i get more donations)

Last edited by Luke5815; Feb 28, 2013 at 08:22 PM.
Back in this gam
Hello Luke!
Give-aways are always awesome. Therefore you are awesome.

So, I see you want an application for items? Sure! But I wont compliment you and tell you I'll be your friend forever (Like most people do).
Instead, here's a long list of why I'm awesome and should get the reward:

-My name is Kerbin
-I'm awesome
-I have an awesome Avatar
-I have an awesome Signature
-I have an awesome Background
-I'm invincible
-I'm Invisible
-I can fly
-I can swim
-I can run
-I can sit
-I can sleep (the most epic way)
-I can help people
-I Donate
-I Win
-I don't lose
-I can draw
-I can design
-I can play video games
-I can win tournaments
-I can go to space
-I run my own space-program
-I fight
-I take my time writing long lists like this one here
-I can survive Sever internal bleeding caused by a torn spleen (This one's actually real)
-I can make sense
-I can not-make sense
-I can assist elderly people
-I am a high-honor student in university
-I can fluently speak 3 languages
-I can speak 5 languages in total
-I can use Smilies properly
-I can survive a Nuklear bomb
-I can survive a gun wound
-I can survive a devastating kick/punch
-I can walk away from any explosion the coolest way
-I can browse Reddit/Youtube/Internet/Toribash Forums
-I can skydive without a parachute
-I can scuba dive without an Oxygen tube
-I can continue this list all year long
-I can choose not to continue this list all year long
-I just chose to end this list for now
-I chose to win this competition.

So, that's why I should win.
-Insert meaningful quote here-
Originally Posted by Luke5815 View Post
kerbin added
you have long app as usually lol

Originally Posted by Luke5815 View Post
kerbin(like in all giveways)

To be fair, this is the 2nd give-away I'm participating in.
-Insert meaningful quote here-
I can do all the same things kerbin can do. Let me join to

-My name is Laxo
-I'm awesome
-I have an awesome Avatar
-I have an awesome Signature
-I have an awesome Background
-I'm invincible
-I'm Invisible
-I can fly
-I can swim
-I can run
-I can sit
-I can sleep (the most epic way)
-I can help people
-I Donate
-I Win
-I don't lose
-I can draw
-I can design
-I can play video games
-I can win tournaments
-I can go to space
-I run my own space-program
-I fight
-I take my time writing long lists like this one here
-I can survive Sever internal bleeding caused by a torn spleen (This one's actually real)
-I can make sense
-I can not-make sense
-I can assist elderly people
-I am a high-honor student in university
-I can fluently speak 3 languages
-I can speak 5 languages in total
-I can use Smilies properly
-I can survive a Nuklear bomb
-I can survive a gun wound
-I can survive a devastating kick/punch
-I can walk away from any explosion the coolest way
-I can browse Reddit/Youtube/Internet/Toribash Forums
-I can skydive without a parachute
-I can scuba dive without an Oxygen tube
-I can continue this list all year long
-I can choose not to continue this list all year long
-I just chose to end this list for now
-I chose to win this competition.
I can do all the things Laxo can do too.

-I can copy/paste other people's entries.
-That is all.

See? :3
Last edited by Kerbin; Feb 22, 2013 at 05:44 PM.
-Insert meaningful quote here-
new rule dont do app with more than 30 words
laxo make new pls
Last edited by Luke5815; Feb 22, 2013 at 05:46 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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Originally Posted by Luke5815 View Post
new rule dont do app with more than 30 words
laxo make new pls

Should I make a new one too? or...?
-Insert meaningful quote here-