Original Post
Toribash Marine Corps Recruitment Center

Example app:

Age: 18
Name: RJ
Belt: Custom belt(elite master belt)
Previous Clans: Saints(leader), Obey, Legendary, Province(leader), SPIN
Infraction(s):if none, put none) 5(useless posts)
Ban(s):if none, put none) 2, requested
Alt(s):if none, put none) DramaTized, MarineBank
Tell us about yourself: I am 18 years old, and I served in the Marines for only a year due to a injury. I am a very outgoing person and I am going to college probably in August for Auto Mechianic. I am pretty forum active and I get along with alot of people unless they start with me. I am learning to ignore it and just move on since it is the internet. Anyway, I live in Arkansas, USA and currently have no job. I have 1 child, a 4 month old daughter who is 12 hours from me . I like to play football and work out. I have a PS3 but never on it unless I use it for youtube since my TV has good bass . I am a white boy and I am 6 foot 4, and I weight 173 lbs. That's about it
Why do you want to be a Marine?: I want to be a Marine because this clan seems good and the leader knows what he is doing. I have friends in the Marines and they can help me out. I also could post on the DSC and get the forum activity and I would like to serve in the Toribash Marines
Who requested you to join(If anyone did): No one.
BONUS!(This will help your app out better), Do you have a skype?: lil_rj1994
What can you bring to the Marines?: I can bring skill and posting. I can also bring art since I am good at making head textures now. I can also sell items and donate TC. I can also bring in a good vibe for the clan aswell. I am dedicated and will not leave this clan whatso ever.
Forum activity1-10) 10
Ingame activity1-10) 8
What languages do you know?: English
Rate your ingame skills(1-10): Probably a 7
Best mods: Aikidobigdojo, Lenshu3, Judo, RK-MMA.
Are you mature for your age(Be honest): Somewhat, yes but I am working on it.
If we do a background check on you, will we find out anything bad? Or about you lying on your app?(Because we will do one and if you lied you will be kicked):Yes you will, you will find out my past alts has been one of the most hated but I am changing my ways. I am acting more better then what I used to. I try to stay out of trouble now.
How polite are you?: I am very polite, but I need to work on my anger when I lose a game.
Give us a 2 paragraph, 5 sentence/paragraph, minimum of 10 words per sentence telling us about yourself, and how you will act as a Marine and be honest about it and why do you really want to join:
I want to join the Marines because this clan is working on maturity instead of skill, and I know this clan will have maturity in it. I am a pretty out-going person and I am pretty good ingame and post often on forums. I like to play sports in real life and I am hoping to get accepted because this clan like I said, seems mature and acts smart instead of belt. You guys have a good image and it shows that this is a clan worth staying in .
Do you accept our Oath?: Yes.
I, DeakManiac understand that I am joining the Toribash Marines. I will obey my fellow members with higher authority over me. I understand that if I lose, I will be polite and say GG. I understand that if I have any problems that will make me inactive, I will PM a Major or General of the Marines. I am not a clan hopper, and will stay loyal to the Marines. I will fight at all cost and will not show no attitude toward any member in the Marines.


To apply for the Toribash Marines, you must fill out the following:
Previous Clans:
Infraction(s):if none, put none)
Ban(s):if none, put none)
Alt(s):if none, put none)
Tell us about yourself:
Why do you want to be a Marine?:
What is your talent?(Art/Video Making/Replay Editing):
Provide proof of your talent(if any):
Who requested you to join(If anyone did):
BONUS!(This will help your app out better), Do you have a skype?If yes, give us the name)
What can you bring to the Marines?:
Forum activity1-10)
Ingame activity1-10)
What languages do you know?:
Rate your ingame skills(1-10)
Best mods:
Are you mature for your age(Be honest):
If we do a background check on you, will we find out anything bad? Or about you lying on your app?(Because we will do one and if you lied you will be kicked):
How polite are you?:
Give us a 2 paragraph, 5 sentence/paragraph, minimum of 10 words per sentence telling us about yourself, and how you will act as a Marine and be honest about it and why do you really want to join:
Do you accept our Oath?:

C/p the oath here to prove you accept it.


to get a yes by all members, you can do a app like this
Last edited by Noobie; May 3, 2013 at 08:25 PM.
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
i want
Previous Clans:Angel
Infraction(s)if none, put none)none
Ban(s)if none, put none)none
Alt(s)if none, put none)BigRocky, iEternity, bobilet
Tell us about yourself:I am here to have fun.
Why do you want to be a Marine?:i want to be in a good clan and have fun with the members
Who requested you to join(If anyone did):DeakManiac
What can you bring to the Marines?:a good, polite and skilled young man
Do you accept our Oath?:yes
Well, you was suppoused to c/p the oath, but I have 1 question.
Will you follow all rules, and will you post in the DSC?
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
Belt:3rd Dan Black Belt
Previous Clans:PED (They changed name,or deleted the clan, i think. o3o)
Tell us about yourself:I'm a young male, who wishes to collect all the heads of Toribash. (Punch them off)
Why do you want to be a Marine?:Clans are like family, and i have none, at the moment.
Who requested you to join(If anyone did)eakManiac.
What can you bring to the Marines?:Cookies.
Do you accept our Oath?:I, Divoure understand that I am joining the Toribash Marines. I will obey my fellow members with higher authority over me. I understand that if I lose, I will be polite and say GG. I understand that if I have any problems that will make me inactive, I will PM a Major or General of the Marines. I am not a clan hopper, and will stay loyal to the Marines. I will fight at all cost and will not show no attitude toward any member in the Marines.
Age: 23
Name: flyace
Belt: black 2nd dan
Previous Clans: nop, and ace
Infraction(s)if none, put none) none
Ban(s)if none, put none) none
Alt(s)if none, put none) none
Tell us about yourself: i live by myself and i have a job and like to lay toribash
Why do you want to be a Marine?: because it would be fun
Who requested you to join(If anyone did): Deak
What can you bring to the Marines?: i can kick ass
Do you accept our Oath?: yes sir
Age: 15
Name: Mitchell
Belt: 2nd dan (almost 3rd)
Previous Clans: Ethereal, SuperHero, Saints
Infraction(s)if none, put none): A few minor warnings.
Ban(s)if none, put none): 3 day ban
Alt(s)if none, put none): None
Tell us about yourself: I'm an Australian, I love to read.... A LOT. Im not very active.... and thats about it
Why do you want to be a Marine?: Marines are awesome?
Who requested you to join(If anyone did): DeakManiac
What can you bring to the Marines?: My skill? xD
Do you accept our Oath?: I accept the Oath