Original Post
(NL) NitroLost

10 Members [✔]
15 Members [✔]
20 Members[x]
30 Members[x]
40 Members[x]
50 Members[x]
Become offical[x]
have a clan bank[x]

*no spamming
*respect all clan members
*dont make fun from lower belts cuz u was like them
*dont spam or scam anyone

why u want to join:
previous clans:
Forum activity (../10):
In-game activity (../10):
Favourite official mods:
Previous infractions/bans (the reason goes here):

CLAN APP FORUMS:http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=400899FURRYHELL

Warning: u need 3 yes to join the clan (if 4 no u will be rejected) and if the clan leader dont want u to be in the clan u will be rejected
Last edited by duzo123; Mar 29, 2013 at 01:34 AM.
Originally Posted by TheLunatic View Post

You can just help him you know
[insert name here] [insert name here] [insert name here]
Sup ViperFlam3 I'm here to help you but im not joining our clan ok? I'm just gonna help
[insert name here] [insert name here] [insert name here]
Clan App
belt: Brown
why u want to join: Searching for a new clan
age: 15
alts: hold3
previous clans: Solid Gold
Forum activity (../10): 8/10
In-game activity (../10): 8.5/10
Favourite official mods: Akido
GMT: +1
Previous infractions/bans (the reason goes here): Hold3, i do not know the reason. When i log on to the forums it says "Banned, reason :" i tried contacting support but i didnt get an answer
i tested him he sounds good i say "YES"
his 2nd acc is a black belt
Last edited by woodysaad; Mar 17, 2013 at 06:16 PM.
belt: black ;)
why u want to join: CUZ IM A BOSS
age: 13
previous clans:none
Forum activity (0/10):
In-game activity (9/10):
Favourite official mods:Wushu,Aikido
Previous infractions/bans (the reason goes here):none
Hey there i'm a ninja

belt:Brown belt in my main acc
why u want to join:I want to join because i've always wanted to be one, hopefully I get accepted to my first group
age: 15
alts:The one i'm using|Main = SwordSlend
previous clans:None
Forum activity (../10):7/10
In-game activity (../10):6/10
Favourite official mods:Ninjustu
Previous infractions/bans (the reason goes here):None

Happy Gaming