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Aracoon's Replay Thread


This replay thread is mainly for constructive criticism, as I'm starting to gain a bit of progress with replay making and it's always nice to see what people think about my replays.

If you like or dislike anything about my replays, don't be afraid to share your opinion!
Your opinion will help me create better replays.
I may not throw replays out every day as it takes me a few days to create a decent replay.
If you have any questions you can PM me or post them here.


Attached Files
Premo.rpl (173.5 KB, 46 views)
Crabby coon the fast.rpl (194.9 KB, 31 views)
Karatecoon!.rpl (150.0 KB, 29 views)
Premo was definitely my favorite, to me you had more flow in that one than the others and the kicks were great, I liked the pose too.

Keep it up!
Premo was pretty nice, not a big fan of the split but the decap kick was nicely aimed, that pec was either hard to get or just a bit of luck.
Crabby coon the fast looked a tad messy, but the core hit and last punch were solid. The transition to the punch however was pretty wonky. Try to make it look good.
Karatecoon had an amazing split, and the double kick looked awesome in my opinion, haven't seen many kicks like that suceed. Definitly the best of the three replays.
oh yeah
Thanks Monk!
Also pretty strange that you say that Pusga, most people I've shown Karatecoon to didn't like it.
Also the second kick was probably the easiest part of the Premo, I got it my first try, so there was probably a bit of luck.
Wips17 is a wip of course, a bit similar to the kick with Premo. I think I'm going to scrap everything after the first kick..
Thanks for the feedback :3
Attached Files
Wips18.rpl (143.9 KB, 26 views)
Last edited by Aracoon; Mar 21, 2013 at 11:53 PM.
Pfft, double leg kicks are pronstuff

Also the wip looks pretty pro so far, the opener flowed pretty well and the kick is promising.
oh yeah
Updated, I actually got the second kick from Wips18 before the kick in Wips17 but I screwed it up.
Check the post again ;o
Hmmm, alright.
New replay, can't figure out what to do after the first kick though..
Attached Files
Heartless2.rpl (94.1 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by Aracoon; Mar 22, 2013 at 11:22 PM.
Nice replays.
Liked the pose on cluster kick. xD
The Dm was beautiful.
The pose on moonlight was boring, but the skeet was nice.
Moonlight- 7.5/10
Cluster Kick- 8/10