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Someone can help me with balance?
Well, now im insterested on spar mod and parkour, but dont know how to get a good balance, i only can do 4 or 5 steps at running, i can't stand up and start run again, need help :<
[23:20:46] Negrito: Im practically chris brown
[23:20:54] Ale455: without the chris
Originally Posted by Ale455 View Post
Well, now im insterested on spar mod and parkour, but dont know how to get a good balance, i only can do 4 or 5 steps at running, i can't stand up and start run again, need help :<

actually you stuck, where everyone else who just stardet with it stucks too. so no shame or something, cause everyone had problems with that.

practice partice practice.

the trick is to know how a tori "works". kinda hard to explain...

well atelast u know how to run - thats good.
if made a jump or something then and u land in a sitting position (which should not happen at all.) u have to try, to push the tori up to get momentum to keep your "run" try to set the arms so that u can push "forward" with them, so u get some speed with which u can simply better stand up.
id hope u know what i mean :/ but its kind of hard to explain how a tori should have to move.
well just keep practicing and edditing your replays around until u made it, if u made it once u know how it works at all, from then its easy.
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Yes, I agree with Blubkill. You have to understand how a tori works and moves, for example; How far you can contract your hip, or how joints affect other joints, like how contracting/extending your glutes affects the movement of your hips etc.

Balance is also simple once you understand it, horse stance is a good way to get balance. In a horse stance you have your legs separated and your knees bent while you're down low, close to the ground.
Ty all, and yeah i understand that, ill try :3
[23:20:46] Negrito: Im practically chris brown
[23:20:54] Ale455: without the chris
Think about how you move in relation to how your tori moves, in this case you want to balance go in some private place(in case you don't mind looking kinda dorky doing this in public) and try to figure you how your arms move, and how your legs place themselves in order to stay balanced. Once you figure that out try to figure out how you kick, punch, and jump. doing all of this should help you. How I know? Been interested in this kind of stuff since brown belt....
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
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ty, that help me too, now i can run better (like 15-16 steps doing that movement with arms) but still cant do jumps and raise myself up to run again :/
[23:20:46] Negrito: Im practically chris brown
[23:20:54] Ale455: without the chris
Originally Posted by Ale455 View Post
Ty all, and yeah i understand that, ill try :3

Everything stated in previous comments were accurate , but not all that helpful , trust me , i'd know .
The art of sparring and being a good free runner in toribash is much easier said than done .It took me 2-3 weeks to actually learn how to perform well in -30 conditions .What i've found useful is to spar/parkour persons who are basically the same as or below my abilities , this has greatly increased my performance and now i am good at both spar & parkour , what i've found is that when i was a sparring noob and i faced persons such as zeroback or swexx , i would try to imitate them and fail , so i never got better , so i tried sparring in SP and sparring persons around my skill level , and it actually worked out fine .
If you want , you could pm me or whatever so we could set a date/time to get ingame and spar/parkour together , i'd be more than happy to lend you a hand bro.
that would be great man, and thanks, now im training with uke, sparring. when can i'll PM you.
[23:20:46] Negrito: Im practically chris brown
[23:20:54] Ale455: without the chris
jumping that i can help you with the most. when your reaching a wall look at all of the swexx/largekilla and any other videos you will see that they re;ax they're knee and have the top of their foot on the ground they get as upright ass possible and extend that knee and hip. a very good example, look at the spar replay by oblivion look at how he moves his body and how he extends his knee and how he relaxes and holds. and lol with what TKJ said pm me if you want to spar sometimes. :/
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
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