Original Post
#tritrio replays
i need your CnC and i will post more replays
Attached Files
#tritrio_uppercut .rpl (121.0 KB, 11 views)
#tritrio_headdecap.rpl (99.4 KB, 8 views)
Proud member of ☢(WaR)☢ [OFRO]
I don't like how all three of your replays, your decaps are just slightly touching him. I see no power, no speed in any of those. I recommend getting better on your speed and aim. Oh, and it would be probably better on classic. 2/10
thanks for the CnC . i will practice my speed and aim but i dont found the classic mod . is it the default mod ?
Proud member of ☢(WaR)☢ [OFRO]
Yes it is
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource