Original Post
Lets get Deak banned
First off we all know deak, the pleb he annoys everyone thinks he is the best and all his bullshit talking. Well there are three people in this world people who put up with his bullshit, people who hide behind and act cool (Noel12344) and lastly people like me who hate his bullshit and want it to stop. So im typing this petiton to get deak banned on my knees pleading you to sign off that you agree you want Deakster banned I dont want bullshit arguements I just want a simple yes if its not a yes dont comment. Thank you(:
Last edited by Rubberzora; May 27, 2013 at 08:09 AM.
Is this discussion material?

who cares im with alpha DOWN WITH DEAK just for the luls
¤Team Wushu Tier 5 ¤
"Roses are red, violets are blue, faces like yours belong in the zoo. Don't be mad, I'll be there too. Not in the cage but laughing at you.".