Original Post
How well can you play with yourself?
I thought that would get people looking in here if nothing else.... :

Greetings Fellow Bashians!

I am curious to how much you actualy practice your own moves on yourself in the Single player mode?
Or wether or not anyone has found a way to block that stupid pecs contracting and grab starting move that every noob and his dog seems to rely on for every single opening attack.

Ive tried starting each character with different moves that i use, Then looking at each side each turn as a completely different situation. It helps to make fast plans, as you are always changing your outcome.
ive also found out that i am hell to fight, and usually end up nothing more than a pile of dismembered chunks on the floor.

Versing your self is such a style can only improve your skills as you are always up against somebody as good as you are. You will win every match too

So if youve done something spectacuarly wonderfull with yourself, or just managed to turn that bloody pecs grab trick around quickly, then post replays away ;)
<( O )>
Re: How well can you play with yourself?
Originally Posted by Cevius
Or wether or not anyone has found a way to block that stupid pecs contracting and grab starting move that every noob and his dog seems to rely on for every single opening attack.

my signature move does that.
sadly its mainly for Judo.
lyh oui ihtancdyht drec?
ev oui lyh
Re: How well can you play with yourself?
Why fix what isn't broken? The general grab works great in judo
What what? In the butt.
Re: How well can you play with yourself?
Originally Posted by Foxie
Why fix what isn't broken? The general grab works great in judo

Thats the problem! Its not origional, and any zany move i pull out of my A** to defend it usually ends with me having both my arms torn off. That hurts, it really does.
<( O )>
Re: How well can you play with yourself?
What move are you specifically talking about, because there are tons of slight variations. To dodge it completely seems almost impossible, but it's easy to catch one hand and step partially away from another. My least favorite is when they do the insta-grab only don't grab in normal servers to try to get a cheap one shot on you. That's why I added a grab to my kick that almost always connects with the opponents head or an encoming pec flex. But yeah, catching most of it would be much more plausible than dodging it.