Original Post
One click "join server" button.
Yep, pretty simple.
A new feature of the forums is that above a player's name, is the Server he's currently playing in, what about, you click it, and join this server? Just find it useful, what do you guys think?
There was another thread like this a few days ago, I can't seem to find it as I'm on my phone. If another local mod could merge this with the other one (if you find it) that'd be great..

But anyway, what everyone was saying was that unless the staff is Bill Gates they wouldn't be able to add this feature because microsoft/Windows hasn't invented the ability to open a program from a link (forum link)
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
No I don't mean that thread, because that thread is a completely different idea from this..
I probably read about it somewhere else in the forums, but yeah, it's not possible, not even invented by Microsoft/Windows yet..
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
This idea is great but it has to change every minute/hour, this system will be hard to make.
But then servers will be crowded because we won't be able to know how many people is in that server. So if there is like a GM Contest, it will lag alot. If some people want privacy in that server, what can they do?
Simple Doesn't Mean Its Easy
maybe make it
like this when u click connnect it automaticly adds it as fav
i dont how this work but samp is programed to :
or steam
when you open in browser it automaticly add the game to steam app
i dont know what the hell i am talking about
Last edited by scorpionma; Jul 5, 2013 at 02:05 PM.
INB4 14 days ban
It's a good idea as by doing this, players are more accessible to both ingame and on forums. Supported ~ :3
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!
Originally Posted by Butler153 View Post
No I don't mean that thread, because that thread is a completely different idea from this..
I probably read about it somewhere else in the forums, but yeah, it's not possible, not even invented by Microsoft/Windows yet..

This has been done by the creators of Roblox.

This would be very easy if this could happen. Not that I mind turning on Toribash and joining the room manually but, ~Supported