Original Post
My compositions
I've been playing music for 12 years and started composing with FL Studio. I'm influenced by many great guyz as Horace Silver or Dave Brubeck

I find that interesting to have your feelings about my first wip, se here we go :

It's the main theme, I'll add a sax solo later

Hope you enjoy
Last edited by Flosax; Aug 29, 2013 at 04:55 PM.
le rythme et la qualité de la perc sont pas terrible
les sons ne sont pas top on sent trop que c'est fait sur un logiciel

je te conseille de telecharger, si tu ne la pas fait encore, des pack de son jazz/blues/soul qui te permetront
d'avoir une bonne palette de sons diversifié

pour bien utiliser FL il faut creer ses propres sons en utilisant plusieurs son en mm temps du moins c'est comme ça qu'un ami fait pour creer des kicks lourd et puissant pour ses musiques electro

ce sont des idées pour t'aider sinon la melodie est pas mal ^^
Ouais je viens juste de commencer et j'ai pas trop rajouter de plugins/packs

La technique qu'il utilise ne marche que pour la batterie, si tu veux une explication précise regarde la vidéo de PV Nova sur l'electro dance soul

Merci du feedback
This is a nice WIP

I would suggest that you use a different drum kit and don't flat out the velocity of your drum patterns. I could send you some good quality drumkits if you want just PM me or I'll just give you a link to where I got them. Please continue on this WIP
I turned off the light at the end of the tunnel.
Good influences you've got, but stop using FL Studio, that's a pretty lame software, you can get Pro tools 6/7 for free and even 8/9/10(although it's not easy to get).

Also, here's some guys that you might not know:

Good luck with your compostions.
"Be obscure clearly."
I disagree about FL being lame. It's a pretty good DAW. I've used cubase, ableton, reason and logic for mac. FL versions above 8 can stand up to any of those daws. Imo, FL's composition workflow is good but not the best for tracking. I do agree with you that protools is good. It's great for the type of music flosax is pursuing.
Last edited by illv; Sep 12, 2013 at 03:01 PM.
I turned off the light at the end of the tunnel.