Original Post
[Text]First head
I'm trying to make high quality one, but I can't do shading atm. I'm learning it with mouse and found it really hard. So, I tried to do a cartoon one. Let see if I can improve this.




==Minor Changes==




I always respect your comments/and or critics.
The software is Photoshop CS 3.
Final result, don't think I'm good for the next steps. Thinking of selling it, so, closed.
Last edited by Azure; Oct 1, 2013 at 12:13 PM.
It's too flat. I mean, there's no effect on it.

Also, the eyes. Where's the light come from? Dont try to c/p a cartoonish head, sir.
You need to fix the way you draw. Well it's not a bad head, but you need to give all of your skill in it, do not just c/p side by side. It's not a good thing to do in cartoonish art.

But that mask isn't that bad, those colors are nice there. Can be more better, dude. Keep trying.
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The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
I don't c/p. Seriously. I learned vector using Corel Draw X5 and I think the eyes look cool for it.
For the effect. yeah, I forgot to add it.
No, it's not like that. I mean, look at those eyes, it looks like you copied one of them and paste to other side.
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Main rival of ToriBot since 20&&
- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
Oh, I see. The eyes look confusing. Ok, I'll try to not copying it side by side. Sorry for the misunderstanding. And thank you for the critic.
Edit: Done

I learned this important thing, thanks.
Edit 2: Added shadows, etc.
Last edited by Azure; Sep 29, 2013 at 06:33 PM.
Originally Posted by Raiken View Post
No, it's not like that. I mean, look at those eyes, it looks like you copied one of them and paste to other side.

have you been to youtube?even Pate does copy pasting.
Good job azure.keep it up man.its nice head
The eyes make him confused. The shadow isn't in the middle. So yeah, I think he's right.
And thanks
I think the lining is a bit of the central line of the mask isnt on the center of the distance between the eyes and the eyes dont seem to be equal :I
I like it alot u sellin it? if so how much for 128x128. My first offer: 500TC
I think wip 3 looks better than wip 4 because the colours and hair look better, try to make the eyes more rounded and maybe show a bit of the eyelid to add more depth to the head, and also adding more curves to the hair will make it look more realistic. Overall very nice idea with a lot of potential keep it up
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