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[Mod/WIP/Concept] Tumbled
You and your opponent are trapped weightless inside a large spinning drum, and the only things more dangerous than the disorientation are the loose cannons balls bouncing around.


The idea behind this mod is that, in most mods, the floor combined with gravity is allows you to move, and set up an attack with your body. But what do you do when you're weightless and "the floor" is too far and useless for you to setup properly? The balls are key. They are a hazard, a potential weapon, and/or something to grab onto to orientate yourself with - it all depends how you deal with them.

Of couse I'm speculating, because I haven't played it against someone yet. if you're interested in helping me try out this mod, post a reply and we'll set up a date.
Attached Files
Tumbled_FirstDraft.tbm (5.3 KB, 14 views)
This mod looks very interesting ^-^ Although i did not get the idea properly. So, one of the balls is instagib and other is your "weapon"
Actually, both balls are identical to each other, and have no special allegiance towards any player. The idea is that if the balls are left to bounce around unchecked (and they are pretty bouncy, gaining momentum from each rebound) they are a dangerous hazard that might destroy you, your opponent or both. It'll be random.
But they can be grabbed (no istagib) and then thrown in the general direction of your opponent. Making them weapons in that sense.
And finally, I figure in a grav-less, you could find yourself floating just out of reach from the sided of the drum. So unable to move. but since these balls tend to get around, it should be possible to use them for a push to the walls or a better position.
Wow all these original mods these days
This is a great idea but personally I think the gravity should be higher
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
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