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[TEX] Monster Head Texture [Wip]
Hi guys. So, this is the first time I've tried to make a head texture. Give me any criticism and ideas on how to improve it! It is a WIP (sort of. It's pretty much done) and maybe you could also suggest the price I could sell it for? Thanks!
Firstly, gratz on making your first head

Secondly, have you put this on your tori to see what it looks like? Looks as though it would wrap around most of the head. Use the head texture template and that will show you how to map the face/whatever better.
Yes, in fact I did! I thought that too, but it looks nice. Here is a pic:

I personally think it looks great! But that might be because I made it :P
to me the mouth looks a tad bit too large(unless that was intentional), it seems to take up half of the head, and that doesnt make much sense to me. And I would most likely try to get the tex from being so sketchy. But this is a great head for yor first time
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
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Originally Posted by jclark View Post
to me the mouth looks a tad bit too large(unless that was intentional), it seems to take up half of the head, and that doesnt make much sense to me. And I would most likely try to get the tex from being so sketchy. But this is a great head for yor first time

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, the mouth was intended to be large. I was going to make it larger, but it turned out to be different of what I tought it would be, so I just kept going. Also, I sorta like the sketchyness of it. But that is just my opinion. Any ideas of how much it could be worth?
The mapping is awful, you sir have made everything way too large. Is that a lighting bolt going through his eye? because that sure does not look like a scar, or war-paint of some kind. As I said, the face is so stretched it doesn't make any sense, monster head you say, that looks like a predator to me, do predators in the wilderness have eyes on the sides of their heads? no, not really. Predators have eyes right in front of them, to focus on the prey.

The teeth don't make sense, they are bigger than the eyes and are put in a wrong order.

Let's compare.

What would it be worth? well, if you find a buyer then around 50 TC. Also, you said you're a begginer, don't start with the 'Eyy! But I'am a beginner, stop being an ass" type of comments, I'm just giving you very honest CnC, my advice to the beginners always is: "Don't post your stuff here, until you're a professional, or atleast 'good' at it."
Originally Posted by Metriakon View Post
The mapping is awful, you sir have made everything way too large. Is that a lighting bolt going through his eye? because that sure does not look like a scar, or war-paint of some kind. As I said, the face is so stretched it doesn't make any sense, monster head you say, that looks like a predator to me, do predators in the wilderness have eyes on the sides of their heads? no, not really. Predators have eyes right in front of them, to focus on the prey.

The teeth don't make sense, they are bigger than the eyes and are put in a wrong order.

Let's compare.

What would it be worth? well, if you find a buyer then around 50 TC. Also, you said you're a begginer, don't start with the 'Eyy! But I'am a beginner, stop being an ass" type of comments, I'm just giving you very honest CnC, my advice to the beginners always is: "Don't post your stuff here, until you're a professional, or atleast 'good' at it."

Thanks for the criticism! I really didn't aim for it to be anything, just messed around with different tools and liked it. I'll try and improve!