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Banned from Gmbets by Azuremage
Dear sirs,

So I was playing in server called GMbets and chatting with ppl, even decided to make a small trivia with a good vampire ghost prize to make things interesting.
Then all of a sudden, without any explanation I was banned from the server by AzureMage.
After I have created a new account called DrNotBear to ask AzureMage what I did wrong and may be explain myself - I was banned right after /wh him with no answer from him whatsoever.
Granted I haven't been online in quite a bit, but aren't GMs supposed to be helpfull? Not abuse their power right and left without explaining ppl what they did wrong? Especially when punishment is ban from the server (so even when the server is created again I woldn't be able to enter it).
I am trully dissapointed and frankly shocked by the current level of professionalism among GMs and ask their superiors to sort this out, not just for my sake but for the sake of the community and justice itself.

Best regards,
I can't believe that azuremage would do something like that without a reason. Do you have any screens to back up your story? Maybe screens from the whole chat before your ban, so we could see if he gave any reason and although it was probably his server. Which in that case, this is aloud.
I obviosly don't have screens of all the chat prior to ban. And his server or not, this does not allow to ban a person with no warnings and/or no explanation.
Originally Posted by DrBear View Post
I obviosly don't have screens of all the chat prior to ban. And his server or not, this does not allow to ban a person with no warnings and/or no explanation.

The room operator/s may do as they please, within reason. This can include kicking and banning users from their 'room'.
Room operators (and I mean GMs) are supposed to be the ones to bring order to the room and make the toribash experience fun. Obviosly sometimes they have to resort to kicking and banning individuals who are ruining this experience for other people present in the said room. But since we are living in a multi cultural society and this game has no age limitations it sometimes is hard to say what exactly is acceptable and what is not, plus not every wrong doing has to be punished by ban/kick, thats what GMs are there for - to warn, explain and if they have to - punish (kick/ban).
I was in the room! HERE IS THE REASON! RACISM!!!

the trivia question he said was "An asian guy, a black guy, and a normal guy walk into a bar... The normal guy gets raped... who did it?"
Azure banned him before he could say the punch line... SO NO this was not for no reason... and azure will not be punished for banning a kid who was being racist... I am amazed you even made this thread... If I were azure I would have given you a full ban... don't be racist
Well, Togo, thank you for explanation. I am still not sure that this is the reason AzureMage banned me for, but from now on I will assume it is.
I won't even argue the fact that my trivia was racist (altho I do not consider it to be).
The reason why I created this thread and the matter I am "complaining" about is the lack of any kind of warning and/or explanation prior to the ban and severity of my punishment.
Racism is not allowed in toribash. Something may not be racist to you but imagine to other people... the "trivia" you were saying was infact very racist...

Also... as for the lack of warning... As I was saying earlier, your lucky your account was not banned... I would have considered just being banned from a server as a "warning"
Last edited by togo; Oct 10, 2013 at 08:11 AM.
You've said it yourself, some things may considered be racist by some and not by others, I believe it is a job of a good GM to point that out to a person who might or might not have broken that rule. Not go straight to banning him. Imagine a police officer noticing a slightly speeding car and instead of giving him a verbal warning to stop - shooting him right away, would that be OK?..
As fun as it is explaining basic things to regular members who might or might not have stick up their ass - I would love to hear from someone like other GMs/superiors.
Oh yes drbear. You made a racially fueled joke something about a black an asian and a normal guy and one of them raping the normal guy and then calling it a trivia?. Which then set off a chain of racial humor, that coupled with your general toxicity is what got you kick/banned I didn't think I'd have to explain someone who said such things. I applaud your civility though perhaps if you were this civil in the server things would have gone differently. Furthermore you've been in the community twice as long as I have which means you should be more than aware of the consequences concerning sensitive topics such as race.
Last edited by AzureMage; Oct 10, 2013 at 08:22 AM.
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