Original Post
[A] Full Copper w/o Hair (1tc start)
Hello everyone! Today I am auctioning my full Copper, save the Copper Hair Color.

Starting bid: 1tc
Minimum raise: 500tc
Autobuy: NONE
Auction end: 24 hours after final valid bid.
Last edited by Shmevin; Dec 10, 2013 at 09:58 PM.
[2:40] Henry The Ginger: Let's hope we don't get fucks like them again
[2:40] aguyyoudontknow: Oh we will. Either that, or horrific feeders like our yasuo from the game before that. Or maybe an afk
[2:41] Henry The Ginger: Welp. That's league for you
Would you accept items as a bid? or only tc?
:) "We are happy that Vox is gone = Corrupt and Abusive. He Deserves it." -Toribash Community
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