Original Post
[ERP] Expert Runkido Players

We are the experts in the art of runkido. We will always try our best and not rage if we lose.

What is Runkido?

Well, Runkido is sort of like aikido but with a larger engage distance close to the edge of the dojo. Wrists and ankles Dq, Higher Dm thresh hold, 20 turnframes,etc.

Why is Runkido fun?

Runkido is fun because of the -30.00 gravity and distance for me. it is fun because you have to actually have skill to play and win. It is fun because you have to actually use your skill to get to your opponet. It is fun because there are times when you can get a larger boom shot due to the Dm threshold. I like it because it gets intertaining when it comes to actually hitting. I like it because it is a mix of aikido,mushu,wushu, and spar.


Why do you like Runkido?-
Why would you prefer Runkido than other mods?
What can you offer to [ERP]?-
What is your least favorite part about Runkido?
Forum activity rating (1-10)
Ingame actvity rating (1-10)
2+ replays





Runkido masterminds



Vendoor (Shunned - Banned)


No spam.
No useless posts.
Be respectful (no argueing or fighting).
Stay on topic.
Post often or be kicked.
No marketing on this thread.
No inappropriate behavior (such as posting things that are dirty or sexual)


Social Group

In progress.
Last edited by Master; Feb 14, 2014 at 09:29 AM.

Nick- Patrick
Belt- 4th dan
Why do you like Runkido?- I like it because its kind of a hard mod and I love the moments of when I play it
Why would you prefer Runkido than other mods? You know that I prefer ABD the most but I still like it because it's stylish
Alts- ukeisdead
What can you offer to [ERP]?- good behavior, playing with other members, having fun with each other and respect the rules.
What is your least favorite part about Runkido? Stills... hardiness and the style and the moments of playing.
Forum activity rating (1-10): about... 4... You know me.
Ingame actvity rating (1-10): when asked for, mostly like 5 minutes.
2+ replays: I'll post replays soon enough when I get on my PC but still gonna ask, MP or SP replays?

Man... your form is pretty confusing.

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Nick- -MaT-
Belt- Master Betl (19805 qi)
Why do you like Runkido?- Cos' im lovin' it.
Why would you prefer Runkido than other mods? Above
Alts- DrPuff
What can you offer to [ERP]?- Swag in runkid + my ultimate beardness.
What is your least favorite part about Runkido? low amount of frames.
Forum activity rating (1-10) 8
Ingame actvity rating (1-10) 10
2+ replays

I rox
Attached Files
rekd............rpl (77.2 KB, 1 views)
ninja shit runkido.rpl (68.3 KB, 0 views)
owned in runkido.rpl (57.8 KB, 2 views)
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

alright the explanations of why you want to join and the reason you prefer runkido more is faulty but alright accepted.

Alright, I just realized I've gotten in.
Thanks for putting me in the co-leader spot tho.

Also, I'll get my replays tomorrow, because it's already night here :o
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I'm from Lebanon (you can search it on Google)

Also, here I am with the replays
Attached Files
teh savior - runkido.rpl (63.4 KB, 13 views)
i tuk hendz - runkido.rpl (65.9 KB, 14 views)
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Nick- Vendoor
Belt- 6th dan
Why do you like Runkido?- I dont have a special reason, I just like it
Why would you prefer Runkido than other mods? It's fun to be jumpin' around
Alts- Rowling
What can you offer to [ERP]?- Activity
What is your least favorite part about Runkido? Running, jumping and kicking :3
Forum activity rating (1-10) 6-8
Ingame actvity rating (1-10) 5-7
2+ replays - posting soon.

Apathetic User