Original Post
Active in-game admins?
(Disregarding my name :P) I think the public servers should have active admins taking care of the game.
Please don't tell me there's already plenty, I've been playing this game for years and I've seen all sorts of people trying to ruin the game, the only stopping put to these people was them getting tired or bored of doing so.
One can easily just run away constantly and draw the matches, which people do all the time.

Even as I'm writing this topic someone in the public wushu server has been drawing for about 20 matches by only jumping away over and over as far as they can.

I'm certain you're going to consider this an over-addressed subject but really I believe this is the game's most important need.
The only defect I can find in this great game is the community, and I think just a few trusted admins who play the game frequently would resolve this issue easily.
Why is it that people seem to hate others using effective techniques and strategy in a competitive game?
Besides, most of the people there suck (Lower belts at almost all times) and are complete assholes *cough* snake *cough*.
Most duels are like that also. Tough it up buttercup.
Last edited by Liar; Jan 29, 2014 at 02:45 AM.
R.I.P Dog | mediocre at best
Why is it that people blindly read through something and just suppose it's the one thing they have an answer to?
I clearly mentioned constantly running away this has nothing to do with strategy, they don't want to win they want to troll.
As I said the game is a draw for as long as they want.
Your fault you can't hit THEM fast enough.

EDIT: I corrected it for you.
Last edited by Liar; Jan 29, 2014 at 03:16 AM.
R.I.P Dog | mediocre at best
Not him, them, as I said this is various people.
They jump back on the first move, you can't either, nobody can.

You said ''most people there suck and are complete assholes. Tough it up buttercup''
I can't imagine how lovely the world would be if it was only people like you.
Oh please, if you can't catch up to them you just need to get better, stop bitching and learn to play.
R.I.P Dog | mediocre at best
I posted a suggestion. Bitching is exactly what you're doing about what I posted. Very aimlessly I might add..
i faced those guys some days ago. what i did was to call an online moderator (which can be found here: http://forum.toribash.com/showgroups.php) into the server and wait for him to ban them (not only for making draws all the time, but also because they were swearing, and overall trolling).
Is drawing the match on purpose a breach of rules?
In my opinion, regardless of whether it is a troll or just plain sucking,
a constant draw of matches is nothing but a type of game-play.
Were it in a private server, then the operator of the server could do
as he liked to the player and restrict certain types of game-play, but
since you say it was in a public server, and since it isn't a breach of
any rules that I am aware of, I'd suggest you just leave those people
and play elsewhere.

As per your suggestion of "Active in-game admins," I agree with you
on the matter that there are not many active Gms in servers, but
you could always contact a Gm directly through PMs, like pal suggested,
or through #support.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Shoveling and running aside (who cares, really)

I think having server dedicated admins/moderators would be a nice way to at least slow down things like racism, farming, etc.
