Original Post
I think we should become invite only because I we recruit all these low belts it sorta ruins the clans rep as being a highly skilled clan. You guys dont have to agree but in my opinion it would be alot better.
What do you mean by low belts? What's the minimum that you are talking about.
Plus belts usually mean shit,because skills are more important.I could be a singleplayer player,then I come online,and kick some Master Belt's ass.
we WERE invite only..... Meh, I liked it better that way
<Shlimby> lol, no Ad, just stop seeing those melons
<ADTerminal> Sure
<Shlimby> and dont take them into ur bed at night
<ADTerminal> But it's where I keep them warm
I mean like you guys just fit the requirments and now I think we should start being more picky for who we want in the clan.
I said yes to let you in and Tinerr dont you know you are already in the clan I was talking about being more picky to the ones who want to join.
yes y know it ;)
well, y was only saying something to end the sentence lol
y am in the roster too, so y consider me in

y ve some doubts about the roster, but doesn´t matter, y´m just starting at toribash =)