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How to do a basic kick?
I can do pretty good punches and flips, but ive never figured out how to do kicks. Could someone please help?

Originally Posted by meropo123 View Post
I can do pretty good punches and flips, but ive never figured out how to do kicks. Could someone please help?


What mod are you trying to do a kick on? Aikido Judo Mushu Ninjutsu? or just single player?
There are many ways on how to do a basic kick. For now, I suggest gaining momentum would be a good start before making kicks. Take a look at this replay so you have an idea on how gaining momentum helps in making awesome kicks.
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nice boomhit.rpl (77.0 KB, 53 views)
Heart of Gold
Originally Posted by LeB3ast View Post
A very simple way of kicking would be:
Step 1: contrat right knee, contract right hip extend left hip
Step 2: type space twice
Step 3: extend knee right knee
It should dismember uke's knee.
Very simple and basic kick but it's a nice start to learn how to kick.

A bit more advanced kick which consists first of of engaging the distance to 200.
Step 1: contract right hip contract right knee, extend left hip, contract left knee, extend both ankles
Step 2: press space 5 times
Step 3 extend right knee and rotate chest to the left.
Haven't tried this move in a long time but i think it should decap uke.
These 2 are simple kicks that will teach you the basics of kicking, best of luck

You're not allowed to give step by step tutorial on how to do a move.

Also to do a kick, you to know what each of your joints do first.
Keep balance and you can bend your chest the same as the direction of the leg you're kicking with.
Bringer of Hell
Also yea my bad the tutorial is wrong i tested it in game, if you want me to correct it and give you the correct tutorial I will with pleasure
Nothing sais in the rules that you can't give step by step tutorials, he simply asking how to a basic kick so im giving him examples of two kicks with which he can start off with.
Last edited by LeB3ast; Sep 15, 2014 at 07:34 PM.
Kicking with power is all about utilizing every joint to make the kick more fast and powerful, try using your chest pecs and shoulders to rotate putting more power into the kick.

heres an example, over 200k point kick.
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FUCKN OWND.rpl (87.3 KB, 30 views)
Last edited by poop; Sep 15, 2014 at 10:55 PM.
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