Original Post
[Auction]Leftover htf heads <3
well before i closed my shop i make a few heads extra heads and never put them up. the first 2 are just some characters i wiffed up:

no name pete wentez
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
errr tyfuu for which one?
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
okay, this will end in a few days, maybe sooner because of school
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me