Original Post
Need some TC
I would like to buy a texture set...
It is really cool , and it goes with my name
The only problem, is that i have just 7k... and he wants 15k for it...
And there are only 3 days left...

Can somebody send me some tc? i will pay them back.
With u'r 761 tc, i will have 8k. So if u help me i will be very glad.

Come on friends, help me.
I know many of u have 10k+... i can prove it. help me ... i will gave them back.
err, okay yeah. yell at me for being on the Evil Clan Fourms although im not in it, but i could make some hell head for you, slight discount. if i get into evil.
Evil is not a clan witch can be buyed like this.
I'm not a recruiter, and i don't even know you.
So, if you want to join a clan by making textures, choice another one.
I didn't had the chance to see you fighting, so i don't criticize you.

By the way, i have a booster now, and i don't need any more tc, D0R helped me.

Have a nice day.