Original Post
I can't play downloaded mods
so, i put the mods in the mods folder in but they don't appear in-game.
here some screen shots.
you saved it as .html file or something instead of .tbm. Try opening the file with notepad, use save as, add ".tbm" at the end of the name and select "all types" from filetype list.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Você tem certeza que os arquivos estão na pasta correta? Por exemplo capaz estão na pasta do 4,8 e você estiver usando o 4,91.
Like Jtank said you saved it as an HTML file and it's opening with Mozilla Firefox, to counteract this issue first do as Jtank said and open it with Notepad then Save as "All Files" with .tbm at the end and if it still doesn't work then go to it's Properties and make sure everything is correct. Alternatively you can make a Private Server and do /set mod tpke_jumporgrindfixed.tbm then do /rec but make sure there's someone else in the Server so it doesn't close then the Mod should be instantly and automatically Downloaded to your Toribash Mods Folder and you will be able to play it on Singleplayer.