Original Post
Promo for September 2009
Textured Tori Poo, Textured Blood and Textured Joints!!!


Deposit Toricredits: (through Paypal, Wallie, One Bip Shareit, Cherry Credits or Your Pocket Money)

250,1337k TC

* Full Dogpoo Set
* Textured Blood
* Textured Joints

Item Value = Enough TC

100,1337k TC

* Full Apple Set
* Textured Toripoo

Item Value = Some TC

28k TC

* Diamant Relax
* Earl Grey Tea Force
* Textured Toripoo
* Invisible Textures (Hot Stuff)

10k TC

* Textured Invisible Emote
* Invisible Emote

5k TC

* Wannabe Hampa Textures

Boost: (through Paypal) or Mobile poo


* Full Dogpoo Set
* Full Earl Grey TeaSet
* Full Invisble Set
* Textured Blood

Item Value = Limited Edition

1000 or stacked equivalent (FOR ONE YEAR AND ABOVE ONLY)

* Full Invisible Set
* Textured Toripoo

Item Value = 133,7 TC

Stacked Mobile 500

* Full Crap Set
* Textured Toripoo

Item Value = 13,37 TC

200 or stacked equivalent

* Textured Toripoo

100 or stacked equivalent

* Hampas Poo (Could be Poo of a Dog, Hampa is not Sure)


* Textured Footsteps


* Invisible Blood

You got the Message?

I bet soon, there will be Stuff like "Textured Torso" or "Textured Emote"

You know, who the fuck need Textured Dq? THAT LOOKS LIKE SHIT!

Im not long in the community, but when i joined, toribash wasn't wasted of shit like that.

Toribash goes down, if there comes more crap like that.

I hope i moved something in your Mind!

I think, toribash was made for fun, not for makin much money with shit like textured Dq ring
Last edited by Nobuddie; Sep 4, 2008 at 04:36 PM.
lol, i would die laughing if there would be an item called "Invisible ToriPoo" XD
Anyways Toribash is really going down at the moment.After 3 days im gonna celebrate my 7th month on toribash and when i joined,it wasnt so screwed up like now.
Originally Posted by Drakhir View Post
Don't want stuff? Don't buy.

Doesn't save anyone from the eye-bleed that is newbies with crap textures.

But I don't mind. Yes, the ideas are getting worse and worse, but this is the only thing that can happen for now. Just don't buy, and wait.
Lol i agree, most of the players lately look like rainbows with so many colors and textures, very unartistic. and very gay.

at least i think 'tori' is full with colors already, they should do a world texture or something like that, instead of the white plane world.

is there an option to disable textures? If it really bothers you, try deleting the contents of your custom folder, and make it Read Only. Maybe that'll work.
Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
Wait for what?

That hampa decides like this

"Hm, Nobuddie is right, I give away all items for free"


No. Until something new is added that isn't like this. Stuff like this is called fodder. When you're a developer, you try to keep it active. To do that, you add things. But while you add BIG things (that take months), you add small things (that take minutes) in order to keep interest there.

That's it.