Original Post
A Nice Idea
i thought of this if you make a flame only you can have it unless you do something like a put it on for sale then it will cost tc plus you wont have to pay tc to keep it all to yourself
But then you could make 100 flames or more just for yourself and spam the whole game with them.

-Not supported.

Everybody makes spam flames.

Flames won't be special anymore.

There are already people that bought flames but don't sell them, those will feel bad.

Why would you have this just for flames? If you want this you could also suggest this for all items.
This suggestion is just because you want flames but can't afford them.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

This idea makes very little logical sense.

Although free stuff is great, it does not induce a sustainable game (since Hampa has bills to pay + servers to keep running).

I rate this idea 3 out of 10; would not recommend.
Good morning sweet princess
Another reason why this is a bad idea:

The whole flame market would immediately implode. Everyone would just make flames for himself and never sell it, because noone would ever want to buy it since they could just make such a flame for themselves.

"This suggestion is just because you want flames but can't afford them. "
and to top off the bashing the flames would get so annoying that particles would be turned off the majority of the time so no one would really care, i can see you may have good intent for this but we are talking about the internet where everyone's mind has been corrupted in 1 way or another.
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert