Original Post
Greetings! I'm Swaves! I'm very happy to be accepted into [g], hope to meet you guys around the place and have a lot of fun!

I'll give some basic information about me.

I'm 16 year old from Australia, I study multiple subjects in school including business, outdoor education and cooking, and I also do a environment course at my TAFE.

I market and duel sometimes, and play lots of different fun mods on toribash.

I only know few words of russian, but I hope to learn someday...

Here's translation - It's off Google Translate, it may not be perfect.

Привет! Я рабов! Я очень рад, чтобы быть принятым в [г], надеемся встретиться с вами, ребята вокруг места и много веселья!

Я дам некоторую базовую информацию обо мне.

Мне 16 лет из Австралии, Учусь несколько предметов в школе, включая бизнес, открытый образования и приготовления пищи, и я также сделать курс среды на мой TAFE.

Я на рынок и поединок иногда, и играть много разных забавных модов на Toribash.

Привет! Я рабов!
Я на рынок и поединок иногда

hi welcome

Also, why join a dead clan?
I might sue google for that translation ;)

I joined because you guys seem like quite awesome to talk with, also having a stable clan that won't fall apart in the near future is partially what I'm drawn to. Also, I like a more relaxed environment that doesn't have a strong emphasis on activity, so I'll be able to have a holiday without getting kicked from the clan for not being active enough.
I'll bring some activity back <3

I've got holidays left for a while, I'm going out to a natural pool for a day of swimming and relaxing tommorow, might now be on for a while ;)
It's more convenient to avoid translator. Almost all of us are able to understand u.
Last edited by Pioner; Jan 4, 2015 at 01:13 AM.
I just found out my granddad had a stroke, my parents are visiting him tonight to find more about how he is, and my brother and I will be visiting him tomorrow.

I don't honestly think this is right clan for me, I don't really feel like I'm accepted here and I don't want to cause any upsets with by being a non-russian in a russian clan, hope you understand guys.
Last edited by Swaves; Jan 5, 2015 at 04:12 PM.