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( Static and Non Static) Object Cameras
Someway of or (lua) that you can attach a camera to a moving object (so it stays on the object as it moves) or static one. Much like the first person camera on a Tori or Uke. But instead you can somehow place it on an object or activate it. Didn't sound very hard to code. So yeah that's the idea. Its just i'm doing this video thing, where i want a first person view on this cylindrical, fast moving, object, but i don't want the Tori/Uke on or near the object because it adds too much weight and friction. And i don't want to have to keyframe following along, because it's moving very fast, and it'd be a choppy freecam. Sort of like putting a GoPro on something, type of idea.

I don't know how detailed the camera would be able to be as far, as only having it be able to point in only in one direction. (Like the Uke/Tori first person) Or like a camera stuck in one place but able to turn 360 or 180 on an axis. (and is Keyframeable)
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